
Welcome to the inaugural post on Eruptions, a weblog about volcanic eruptions, volcanoes and the people who live near them. I'm going to attempt to compile everything I can about volcanic eruptions currently going on worldwide on this weblog in a hope to foster better understanding of volcanic eruptions, clarify and correct popular media reports on volcanoes and generally hope to get people excited about learning more about the dynamic realm of eruptions. 

As for me, I actively research volcanoes at UC Davis and have a Ph.D. in igneous petrology (the study of molten rocks and volcanoes) from Oregon State University. I have worked on volcanoes from Chile, New Zealand and the United States and find them fascinating. I hope you do, too!

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact me (ewklemett <at> gmail.com)!

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Many of the images that you use to illustrate your Chaitén articles are impressive. Where can I find them in better resolution?

By the way, I live in Mexico City, having as a neighbor one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, the Popocatepetl.

I admire what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the opinions that this is working for you as well. Respectfully, Lurlene.