Redoubt Mini-update for 2/6/09

Just to keep us appraised of the situation at ever-steaming-and-shaking Redoubt:

From AVO (2/6/2009 11:05 AM)

Unrest at Redoubt Volcano continues. 
After the tremor episodes of yesterday, seismic activity has remained slightly elevated relative to the last few days. 
The volcano has not erupted.

That is about it. A few quick hits about Redoubt (as the world waits) include an article on potential redirected air traffic if the volcano erupts, an update mentioning that if the snow is falling during an eruption, radar won't pick up the ash until its at 15-20,ooo feet , how British Columbia is prepping for an eruption and an oddly-titled article from USA Today called "Alaska volcano may be on verge of venting" (which then just goes on to sum up what people are planning to do if the volcano erupts).

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