Redoubt Mini-Update for 5/3/2009

For those of you who might not be paying as close attention to Redoubt now as in the past, this is the latest from AVO:

Redoubt's 2009 eruption continues and appears to be gaining intensity. Seismic activity has increased markedly in the last 24 hours, showing stronger volcanic tremor and more frequent rockfall events. Minor emissions of ash have also been visible in webcam views during this time period. Steam emissions in particular have become more vigorous over the last 2 hours, with a steam plume now reaching approximately 18,000 feet above sea level.

Are we headed to a dome collapse in the near future? The dome continues to grow, so keep an eye on the webcam to spot any collapses that produce block & ash flows. Currently the volcano is still at Orange/Watch status.

{Hat tip to Eruptions reader Ross for getting us back on the Redoubt Watch.}

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With a bit if looking there apears to be a bit of visable growth at the dome over the last few days.

From the 30th

Current Hut view

I have been watching through out the day today. A lot of the growth was over the last 6 hours. The spine they point out in the image from the 30th is now gone.

Wish they did not zoom back out yet at the Hut. Missed some good shots of the growth today I bet.

By theroachman (not verified) on 03 May 2009 #permalink

1933 Alaska time going by the Hut cam and looks like the start of the largest ash emissions yet today its 1946 time now

By theroachman (not verified) on 03 May 2009 #permalink