SI/USGS Weekly Volcano Activity Report for 5/6-12/2009

Here's the latest news from the USGS and SI Global Volcanism Program. It might not record every little volcanic noise in the world each week, but nothing like getting all the major volcanic events summarized on a weekly basis.

Highlights this week (not including Nyiragongo, Redoubt and Galeras):

  • The eruption at Rinjani in Indonesia continues, with elevated seismicity and 300-600 meter plumes.
  • Sporadic strombolian eruptions from the Crater C at Arenal, Costa Rica (since late April)
  • High seismicity, 100 meter domes and continued dome collapses continue at the two domes growing at Chaiten, Chile.
  • Overflights of Nevado del Huila in Colombia show that juvenile material is being extruded at the summit dome.
  • Continued 2.1-3 km / 6,000-10,000 foot ash plumes being produced at Sakurajima, Japan.

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I would take it from the lack of reports that things over Tonga way have died off?

By Heraclides (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

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