SI/USGS Weekly Volcano Activity Report for 8/19-25/2009

The slow summer for volcanic eruptions continue. Only 11 updates in this week's USGS/SI report. Thanks again to SI's Sally Kuhn Sennert for compiling the news!

Highlights this week include (not including Kilauea) include:

  • Tungurahua in Ecuador produced some minor lahars on August 21 to go with steam-and-gas emissions.
  • Popocatépetl in Mexico produced an ash plume that reached ~8.2 km / 27,000 feet on August 20 and continued to produce steam-and-ash plumes throughout the week following.
  • Over on the Kamchatka Peninsula, both Koryaksky and Shiveluch produced significant ash plumes (reaching 3-5 km / 10,000-15,000 feet) and seismicity remained elevated at both volcanoes.
  • Chaiten, Chile, remains active over 18 months since it started erupting in May of 2008. Steam-and-ash plumes continue to be produced from Domo Nuevo 1 and 2.

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Hi! Only a correction.
Chaitén is erupting not 18, but 14-15 months since may 2008.
The "year-and-a-half birthday" us in November.

By Guillermo (not verified) on 26 Aug 2009 #permalink

Anybody know when the GVP site will be back online? Erik?

Sorry Mike, no idea when it might be back up. I did notice it was quite slow over the weekend and now the front page has this splash:

"As many of you have noticed, the GVP website has been experiencing performance problems over the last week. The situation has continued to worsen, so we have taken the site off-line. We are working to get the website back in operation as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. "

Hopefully they can get it straightened out!

I'm still learning from you, but I'm trying to reach my goals. I absolutely enjoy reading all that is posted on your blog.Keep the information coming. I enjoyed it

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