Help me find a video!

This is a request more related to my teaching, but I thought I'd ask here. I'm trying to find copies of the UNESCO videos "Understanding Volcanic Hazards" and "Reducing Volcanic Risk". They were made by the Kraffts to help educate people on volcanic hazards, especially in developing countries. I've seen them both and they are great for introductory geology classes. However, the one source I knew of - the NW Interpretive Assoc. - doesn't seem to carry them anymore - and even if they did, the only format I know of is VHS, which is getting woefully obsolete.

So, do any of you know where I might be able to get a copy of either/both of these films, either on VHS, DVD or otherwise? Leave a comment here or send me an email at i-84cc6bc3cf2966742ba05c49f79ef53a-email.jpg Thanks for any help!

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How about the geological services of some of those developing countries? The Kraffts used them in countries like Indonesia and the Philippines. Maybe there's a country where they still have some copies (maybe in English or with English subtitles)?

By Gijs de Reijke (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

I could have sworn I saw them for sale through IAVCEI, although that may not be true anymore. But maybe you could contact someone there for copies?

I could have sworn I saw them for sale through IAVCEI, although that may not be true anymore. But maybe you could contact someone there for copies?

And I totally fail for not noticing where IAVCEI gets them. Sorry!

By Tuff Cookie (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

tuff cookie nailed it. Took me a while to find it in the IAVCEI site though. Here's the quote from the IAVCEI site:

The Northwest Interpretive Association (NWIA), a non-profit organization, is selling the video for IAVCEI. Orders can be placed by mail with an enclosed cheque or by phone with VISA card. Add US$5.00 for postage in the United States, Canada and Mexico. For all other destinations, add US$13.05 for airmail postage or US$5.55 for surface postage.

Northwest Interpretive Association (NWIA)
3029 Spirit Lake Highway
Castle Rock, WA
phone: +1 (360) 274 2125
fax: +1 (360) 274 2101

The original material is currently managed by Jacques Durieux; those interested in using the material should contact him at the following address:

33 (0) 613 67 68 65;
33 (0) 478 70 53 59

6, rue des Razes
69320 Feyzin (France)

By bruce stout (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Might it be worth trying YouTube? Just a thought...

By Welsh Chris (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Referring to comment #9, by Bruce Stout - sorry to say Jacques Durieux deceased on 30 June 2009 aged 60. It wasn't much in the news, but you can find a piece at Bernard Duyck's "Earth-Of-Fire" blog (in French language):
I should have somewhere a VHS copy of the Volcanic Hazards video. I will look for it and make a digital copy - it will not be very high quality but I guess better than nothing. Just give me some time, especially because the hard disk of my computer at home crashed (luckily I had previously made a backup ;-P) and I'm having a new one installed ...

hell, and I had just about finished revising my French grammar to pluck up the courage to give him a call.. thanks for the info!!

By bruce stout (not verified) on 09 Feb 2010 #permalink

Thanks for all the help everyone! Unfortunately, both the USGS and IAVCEI tell you to buy it from the NW Interpretative Association, which appears to not carry it anymore. Well, at least according to their website - and they've changed their name to "Discover Your Northwest". Therein lies the problem of my search - one supplier that seems to have changed their mission, and these videos might have been a casualty. Oh well ...

one final place to check, if you haven't tried it yet, may be through interlibrary loan. We don't have it here however.

These videos are in common use by many geology depts and can be found in many University/public libraries. Check with your campus Media access center to see if they have a copy.

Contact Stephen Nelson at Tulane U, chair Earth and Environ Sci Dept. He teaches a course that features these videos. Maybe you can borrow them.

This organization may also lend you a copy of the videos (they make the offer towards on the bottom of the webpage, below).…

Result! (Well, partial)

From the Discover Your NW folks:
"They are in the process of redoing one of them to DVD. We are out of both at this time. Please check back later this spring and I am hoping they are back in stock."

I have to admit that that is one great insight. It certainly gives a company the opportunity to get in on the bottom ground and really take part in creating one thing particular and tailored to their needs.