Anniversaries times two

Chaiten in Chile erupting on May 5, 2008, four days after the volcano came back to life after ~9,000 years of dormancy.

Quick post ... but until I was reminded by Eruptions reader Guillermo, I had forgotten two important anniversaries.

First, today (May 1) marks the 2nd anniversary of the start of the Chaiten eruption in Chile. The eruption is still rumbling along (spanish), with growth of three domes in the Chaiten caldera. I'll have more to say about this on Monday.

Secondly, today also marks the second anniversary for the start of this blog! Yes, if you can believe it, Eruptions turns two - thank you to everyone who has taken part in making this community grow so rapidly since its start on Wordpress. This blog started off with a few thousand views a month to - if you can believe it - almost 700,000 views in April of this year. I really can't express the gratitude I feel for all your readers. Thank you!

UPDATE: If you're curious, over the last two years, there have been 638 posts and almost 14,000 comments on Eruptions as well!

So, before I get too misty-eyed, I'll just wish everyone a happy blogiversary for Eruptions ... hopefully the next two years will be just as interesting!

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Happy blog-birthday! I wish you dozens of good future blog-years with many interesting and beautiful eruptions! I think we can only thank you for all your work, your efforts informing us about these amazing volcanoes! A virtual birtday cake for you:
(If I lived some thousand miles closer to you I'd make you such a cake myself.)

Happy blogiversary! You are my go-to site for volcano-related current events, and I'd like to see you stay in 'business' for a long, long time.

Happy Second Anniversary, Eruptions, and let there be many, many more! A blog the purpose of which is to educate rather than tittilate is a rarity indeed in these sensationalist days and proof that it is possible to have high ratings AND maintain a high level of factuality simultaneously. Congratulations Eric! You have every reason to be proud of your prodigy of a child!

Could there be two more important anniversaries in the world of volcanoes than Mt St Helens and Chaiten? The former, "Nature's child has just gone wild, and she's supposed to be a saint" (as R.W.Stone succinctly put it), gave us an understandable scale of just how devastating volcanic eruptions can be, while the latter reminded us (together with Alaska's Fourpeaked) that "geologic time can happen in your day!" If the messages of St Helens and Chaiten are heeded, many thousands living close to "extinct" and "dormant" volcanoes will be forearmed!

By Henrik, Swe (not verified) on 01 May 2010 #permalink

As Henrik mentioned Alaska's Fourpeaked. Have there been any papers released detailing that event? That was some serious venting then. Half of the Fourpeaked glacier was coloured yellow.

MaxM | May 2, 2010 4:40 AM

Google to your rescue.…

I selected for a quick update.

"March 2007

The Alaska Volcano Observatory began reporting in its Daily Update on Fourpeaked volcano that "several small explosion signals" were detected overnight, apparently continuing the series of small explosions which began on February 8. These "small explosions" continued until June, when Fourpeaked's classification was lowered to Green."

The web is finding and developing new talents -- yours (can't find a good enough volcanic adjective) has erupted on the scene. Few blogs can remain within the boundaries of "investigative journalism" (we have almost none in the so-called media today) of their declared field, attract a large readership, and continue to inform, educate, and entertain. Those who can seem to attract readers-commenters who desire the same. Valuing the scientific method and scientific truths (show me) seems to be key. "Eruptions" has become one of the best.

Congratulations. Thank you! And many, many more!

By pyromancer76 (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink

Congratulations and happy 2nd birthday; this is a wonderful blog, informative and endlessly interesting, easily the best on the web.
Worth a look too is with some interesting images of Eyjaffjollajokull.


Congratulations on leading the World's largest (virtual) scientific excursion / field trip to date! It only remains for the people from Guinness to confirm it. 700,000 views in April alone...

By Henrik, Swe (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink

Hey Erik, what a ride! Happy 2nd and an e-beer to you for this great blog.

Back to Eyjaf (can't keep my eyes off of it, LOL), I have noticed that water is emerging from the bottom of the what I would call the "silt, ash, glob, pond. I have seen this happen on a huge mound of what you would call a hill and the top was very dry, but where the river was, water was just streaming out from under this pile of rock, gravel, and dirt. It was a sight to see that as I had no idea water would flood out from under a hill!

So any comments on that and the increase in tremor would be welcome. I do have a bit of a problem when I go to a site that is posted as a Google translation. Nothing comes up. Is there a way I can do something about that?

Again, Erik, I am so glad I found this blog. May you have many more years of fun here (I know we will!) and thank you for all the work you do to make it a great blog.

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink

Happy Blog-Anniversary :)from Chile

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink

UK 22:00 hours on Channel 4. The Volcano That Stopped Britain
Documentary examining the background to the Icelandic eruption that caused extensive air-travel disruption across large parts of Europe in April, studying the geology of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano and the potential effects of ash on planes. The programme uncovers the true cost to the aviation industry and the economy in general, as well as considering the potential impact of further eruptions on the UK, Europe and the rest of the world
There is an 'on demand' site on the web too (usually a delay)

I think putting that Chaitén dormancy was about 9000 years it is not correct. Investigations (unpublished) of material under the town, made after the eruption, indicates the prior datable eruption about 300-400 years ago.

By Guillermo (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink

Happy Birthday! I love this site and so happy I found it, too.

Guillermo, I see you posting about Chaiten every now and then, and (if Erik puts up a (belated) Chaiten-exclusively topic?) I'd love to read what you have to say!

PS. I'm nitpicking here but even if you take away those 3-400 years, it's still some 8,600-8,700 which to all intents and purposes is about 9,000 years. What may be incorrect is the end date for the "9,000-year dormancy".

By Henrik, Swe (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink

That's because I live near 150 km north of Chaitén, and I have information (I'm not a geologist) simply because it is a local event here.
This eruption caught my attention because from when I was a child I read the maps showing cities and mountains, and the Chaitén volcano not appeared in none of them (even an official map designed for students). Now everybody known that volcano and speaks about it, but it is a bit late.

By Guillermo (not verified) on 03 May 2010 #permalink

(sorry posting different messages, but I forgot to say)

The incorrect part is that if you read 9000-years dormancy, that indicates the last eruption prior to 2008 occured 9000 years ago, and that's wrong. Chaitén is not a supervolcano or a very different volcano from the others, so the frequency of eruptions may be 300-500 years, like many others. The problem (I don't know it was here or in the EK blog that posted an article about the dissapearing evidence like ash from the 'crime scene' in a brief period of time with rain and other elements) is that the evidence of another eruptions maybe is gone, drained by the rain to the bottom of the sea or pulled away hundreds of km by the wind (what if a strong eruption occured with wind going to the west, with asfall mainly at the vast Pacific Ocean?). A year after the begin of this activity, discounting the near suroundings at Chaitén, there no was samples or material enough to say it was a big eruption, because of the ugly weather conditions that dominates the area.

By Guillermo (not verified) on 03 May 2010 #permalink

Then research that aims to clear this issue up would be valuable (same with Alaska's Fourpeaked) as the possibility of large eruptions with little or no warning due to non-existant monitoring after a very long hiatus may be a concern in several areas (several Cascade volcanic systems, Vulsini, Colli Albani, Lacher See etc).

By Henrik, Swe (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink