Mystery Volcano Photo #21

After last week's attempt to revive Mystery Volcano Photo - and the discovery (by me, thanks to you readers) of Tin Eye - I've had to ponder how to continue. Well, I think the best thing to do is to try using reader images that hopefully aren't hiding out on the web somewhere. So, that is what we'll try ...

As for MVP #20, the answer was, indeed, Edziza in Canada (congrats to Stephen). Edziza is an eroded composite stratovolcano that last erupted ~950 AD (+/- 1,000 years ... !) The volcano has erupted basalts to more felsic magmas, many of which were subglacial eruptions.

The current standings
The Bobs - 3
Don Crain - 3
gijs - 2
Boris Behncke - 2
volcanista - 1
Lockwood - 1
Elizabeth - 1
Ralph - 1
Anne - 1
Cam - 1
gg - 1
Damon Hynes - 1
Marco - 1
Doug C. - 1
Diane - 1
Stephen - 1

And now, Mystery Volcano Photo #21, submitted by an Eruptions reader. If you have any photos of your own you think might be good for MVP, send them to me at i-84cc6bc3cf2966742ba05c49f79ef53a-email.jpg

MVP #21
Click on the image to see a larger version.

Give it your best shot!

More like this

Maybe I should be pleased that in the last Mystery Volcano Photo took a whole five guesses rather than one or two, so I count it as success! The correct guess was made by Dr. Boris Behncke, so that elevates him into a tie for first. Current Standings: The Bobs - 3 Don Crain - 3 Boris Behncke - 3…
MVP 23 revealed ... and 24 introduced! Mystery Volcano Photo #23 was, in fact, Middle Sister volcano in Oregon, part of the picturesque Three Sisters near Bend. Middle Sister is a partially eroded (by glaciers) composite volcano with a mix basaltic andesite to andesite lava flows and tephra…
We'll try again with a finding a good Mystery Volcano Photo! The last MVP was Mt. Meru in Tanzania, submitted by Michael Dalton-Smith. Now, I thought this image was going to be a little harder than it turned out to be as the shot of Meru on Wikipedia is a very similar shot, but that happens…
Quiet weekend on the whole, volcano-wise, beyond the articles about the latest eruption at Karangetang. So, we'll start this week with a new Mystery Volcano Photo. The last MVP was Tarawera in a shot I took from a road on the back side of the volcano, so that leaves the current standings looking…

I'm going with Okmok in Alaska.

By Helen Leggatt (not verified) on 28 Jun 2010 #permalink

Ixnay on the +1000 years on the estimate of the last eruption of the mystery volcano; if that were a valid number, we'd know. Perhaps if you tried +500 years ...

By MadScientist (not verified) on 28 Jun 2010 #permalink

I'll take a guess at Veniaminoff

Maly Semiachik, Kamchatka?

By Holger, Germany (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Umm... if the last eruption of Mystery Volcano was +500 years, that would rule out about Krashennikov in Kamchatka, then? (Still guessing)

D*mn it, Boris, you beat me by seconds this time. I shouldn't have taken two minutes off to make a brew of coffee :o)

Off-topic : A new, very detailed gravimetric map of Earth shows Iceland towers 80 m above the oblate spheroid we usually assume the Earth to be. Meanwhile, there is a 100m deep through in the Indian ocean. .
I am no expert, but might the differences be caused by temperature-induced differences in density? The hot rocks under Iceland would be less dense, so the geoid would need to be thicker there for the surface to be at sea level in terms of potential energy
BTW, nice photo of the snow-covered caldera...Erebus?

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

found a new intresting link…
This is a research paper from Prof. Dingwell found in the comments on
Nun ist es dem Geowissenschaftler Donald Dingwell von der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München zusammen mit dem Geologen Jonathan Castro von der Universität Orléans in Frankreich erstmals gelungen, die Geschwindigkeit der aufsteigenden Gesteinsmassen bei einer plinianischen Eruption experimentell zu ermitteln. Dazu verwendeten die Forscher Gesteinsmaterial, das beim Ausbruch des südchilenischen Vulkans Chaitén im Mai 2008 ausgeworfen wurde. Die experimentellen Analysen ergaben, dass das Magma aus dem Inneren des Vulkans innerhalb von nur vier Stunden bis zur Oberfläche aufgestiegen sein muss.

google translation

now it is the geoscientist Donald Dingwell of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich together with the geologist Jonathan Castro from the University of Orleans in France for the first time managed to determine the speed of the rising rock masses in a Plinian eruption experimentally. These researchers used the rock material, which was the eruption of southern Chile Chaitén volcano ejected in May 2008.
-> The experimental analysis revealed that the magma must have risen from the interior of the volcano in just four hours to reach the surface. <-

Steve, Leeds, UK
Is it Krasheninnikov, Russia

By Stephen Cheslin (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Krasheninnikov, Russia

By Stephen Cheslin (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

I can't believe there were three correct guesses so quickly!
Wowsers, who the hell are you guys? I took the photo from a Seattle-Kyoto flight on the way to COV 5, during the only 20 minutes of clear weather on the entire flight!
Dave Tucker
Mount Baker Volcano Research Center

@Dave Tucker #13, that's one hell of a phantastic photo you took. And I recognized this volcano because I find it particularly intriguing, it has those two big twin stratocones sitting in a big caldera, and each one of them is crowned by a little caldera (or very large summit crater). Then, in one of those two small calderas sits a little cone made up mostly of spatter and small lava flows. The other of the two large stratovolcanoes has a conspicuous flank fissure that emitted one of the most recent lava flows of the complex. That's quite a fascinating combination. Is there any hi-res version of this photo around ???

@Lurking and Passerby, previous thread, thank for the info on the NW Pacific.

By parclair NoCal USA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Dave, Boris is at INGV, Mt Etna specialist. It really is quite a beautiful snapshot; thanks for providing it.

Boris, the INGV-Sezione di Catania main page of the website has at least one instance of apparent click-jacking (malware). Maybe you could pass this on to your IT people.

Boris noted:
'it has those two big twin stratocones sitting in a big caldera, and each one of them is crowned by a little caldera (or very large summit crater). Then, in one of those two small calderas sits a little cone... '

The Russian Institute of Volcanology and Seismology humorously notes in the Kamchatka Krasheninnikov volcano descriptive webpage:

' aerial view of the volcano exhibits its "inner beauty". The northern cone resembles a matryoshka doll: it is crowned with a caldera, the caldera encloses a small stratovolcano, and the crater of this volcano hosts a small lava cone.'

Dave, you should send your photo to SI-GVP; it's much superior to their stock images of the volcano.

Dr. K.: Another option if you have no photos is to emulate the "Where on Google Earth" technique of using Google Earth but rather in perspective mode (3D). Sadly much of the planet coverage is lo-res but surprisingly some of it is tolerably good hi-res.

Also, Bing Maps 3D has hi-res orthos of some areas that GE doesn't and does a nice perspective mode as well.

I couldn't let this comment go by unscathed.

>Sadly much of the planet coverage is lo-res but surprisingly some of it is tolerably good hi-res.

Much of the planet IS Lo-Res. Lo-res is wasted where the view is... frankly boring. Examples:

Anywhere in Iowa.
Cows. Corn. Vast croplands relieved by the occasional sliver of humble prairie.
Exciting topography of Iowa


There are similar expanses in Nebraska, eastern Montana, and Kansas but these are really exciting when compared to the Dakota Badlands. Desolation-are-Us.

Need we say more? Some places are best left lo-res. Bandwidth is best reserved for exciting places.

Those of us who have been patiently waiting for Something to Happen at Eyjaf may have gone on a virtual walk-about, sight-seeing Iceland in Google Maps.

More lo-res nonexcitement. Same with Greenland, large stretches of Siberia and Mongolia, and even larger stretches of the Sahel and Sahara of North Africa.

The Gobi and Taklamakan deserts are another set of lo-res winners.

And then there is are the true gods of lo-res viewing, the Northern Territories and central prairies of Canada and just about everywhere not on the coast of Australia.

Hi-res excitement is best saved for places where details count and reduction in scale yields something more rewarding than more boring, blurry pixels.

@ Passerby. I've always been fascinated by the idea that most of the citizens of Pompeii may be buried to the south of the town (an area that can't be excavated due to the city above). The theory is that the citizens made it out of town with their possessions, but then got stranded on the beach by the unhelpful winds and tides. I'd love to be on a dig in that area--

By parclair NoCal USA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Parclair #21, your theory could be right. There was another town involved and the was Herulanium. Most of the people of that town did get out of town and many hid in an area by the coast. It was a sort of cave structure and, unfortunately, those who gathered there died from the ash and heat. You would think they would have been protected as they were not facing the volcano, but that ash and heat just did them in, too. Both towns were destroyed.

Vesuvius isn't one to take lightly any more than taking Etna lightly. Both can really get to cookin'.

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Hi to all,

Jón FrÃmann,Hi.
Big burst of energy on the Helicorder just past 19:10.Have you any ideas on what would or could have caused this ?

Kind regards, Adrian.

By Adrian,Dorset, UK (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

@passerby20 Hi - first link didn't go thru..?

By birdseyeUSA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

@Adrian 23 â try looking at at for scale.

By birdseyeUSA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

@Diane-- I wish it was my theory; I'd like one original theory to point to at the end of my life. It belongs to a volcanologist I saw on TV, whose name I do not recall. Pliny the Younger's account indicates that the winds and tides turned bad when his uncle(?) Pliny the Elder tried to leave the shores after rescuing his (the elder's) friends, leading to the death of the elder.

By parclair, NoCal USA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

The theory of citizens that escaped to the beach area is not for Pompeii, but Herculaneum. In the early 1980s, boathouses with several hundred victims were uncovered, pretty much nixing the prevailing belief that many escaped. They were probably waiting for the Roman fleet, but it had been dispatched elsewhere in the bay.

Pompeii very likely had far fewer people killed in the plinian eruption of Vesuvius than it would have otherwise, if the eruption had taken place a few decades earlier. There was a very large and devastating earthquake (nearly mag 7+) that hit the nearby valley, causing widespread destruction. Many people were thought to have fled, relocating elsewhere in Italy as the rebuilding rate was slow after the large temblor and before the 79 AD eruption.

Also, the exact date of the eruption seems to be in question, due to the type artifacts discovered - jars sealed for winter, harvested fruit dried and preserved, and the clothing on victims that suggests a cooler period in rather than a summer.

Solar insolation has been modeled and global temperature record established by multiple proxy indicators for the past two millennia. Temperatures climbed rapidly at about this time (late half of the first century to the end of the second century AD) and there was a shitpot of major league eruptions - quite a few plinian and VEI 5-6, at regular intervals.

Must have been a helluva time to be alive.

@passerby. I was talking about people moving south of Pompeii-- which is south of Herculaneum.

I agree, lots of folk were stranded at Herculaneum, because they evacuated too late. The way I understand it is that, because of weather conditions (wind out of the north) there was more warning type action in the Pompeii area-- dustfall, rockfall-- which would have made the people move out sooner (explaining the lack of enough bodies in Pompeii, including the docks area).

But, my understanding of the theory is that people moved out of Pompeii heading south, and perhaps camped for the night, or next few nights, waiting for boat access out. (20,000 people and possessions are a lot to move in those little things they called ships, and we call boats.) And then the pyroclastic flows hit. An animation I saw once showed that they flowed into the middle of Naples Bay. That's quite a ways.

Like you said. A hell-of-a-time. 8-O

By parclair, NoCal USA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

#28 I've been to Pompey, and I was very lucky, because it was some kind of holiday and the place had zero tourists. So I got that amazing feeling of hearing my own steps on the ancient sidewalks and right in front of me there stood Mt. Vesuvius, which, under the beautiful blue Mediterranean sky, looked majestic though pretty innocuous, as it seemed too far away to pose a real threat. But I got very concerned on my way back - I took the train in Sorrento and then stopped in Pompey before heading to Naples - the railway coils over the slopes of the volcano from where you can see the scars left by the flows. All the cities like Stabia and Herculanum are at the shore, between the railroad and the crater, as well as those vineyards, buildings, villages, all on the deadly path of the volcano.
I wanted to stop in Herculanum, but had little time, because they had just discovered the cave you mentioned. They found slaves amid the dead, and I found interesting the fact that, unlike their masters, they didn't show any dental cavities, they had healthy teeth, much likely because of the type of diet they had. This was an unforgettable experience to me. I have some nice footage of the distorted bodies, but you can notice there was little destruction of the buildings in the city.

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Correction: the cities were on shore and the railroad passed between the cities and the crater, and with all the modern buildings right on the trail of death, it's impossible not to imagine what could happen if the mountain erupts again. I think the road is called "Tranvesuviana" and who built it doesn't seem to worry a bit about the dangers.
But still, the experience of being in Pompey, all by myself was unbelievably unique.

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

Never made it there. I did get my foot run over by a "car" while waiting to cross the street. Almost didn't notice it since it was so small. Learned not to wear a ball cap when mopeds were around.

Renato, I too have been to Pompeii and had the luck to go to Herculaneum (by the way, we weren't allowed into the excavation area at the docks). You're right it's quite an experience. I remember walking into a pizzeria after going thru Herulaneum and thinking "Nothing's changed!". The set-up of the pizzeria was exactly the same as the food shops in H. Wow. I really felt connected with those people back in time. Still do.

By parclair, NoCal USA (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink

hi all we had 3 earthquakes in west Yorkshire since last thurs 1.9m being the highest, in the united kingdom can any1 comfirm this? and why?

@Leon: I looked for EQs over UK at the European-Mediterranean Seismological center
There were some in France/Germany border, on The Pyrenees region, near the coast of Portugal, since 06-20, but no EQs on UK.
The most recent ones I found were these:
03:02:04.4 / 8hr 10min ago / 46.60 N 27.58 W 10km4.9 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
2010-06-30 07:15:13.4 / 3hr 58min ago /46.41 N 0.79W 2km4.2 FRANCE

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

@Leon -
Check here

A M1.9 is about like a lorry driving by, if you are sitting right on top of the quake; IOW, nothing to worry about. Small earthquakes are very common all over the world, and they only get notice where quakes are relatively rare.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

#37 @Kultsi: Bingo! That's what I love about you people. Always ready to help, and always with the precise source. Good job!

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Hello all!

I seem not to be able to find the gps and tremor graphs around Hekla. I wanted to compare those to Jóns strangely undulating helicorder at Heklubyggð to see if it is Motörhead or Hekla that is playing. Is there anyone who has any links for that handy?

Going back a few years,I vaguely remember reading that Great Britain, as an island,is tilting along a North west/South east line.i.e,the Scottish highlands are rising whilst Kent is dropping downward.

By Adrian,Dorset, UK (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

But the winds at a pretty high level and may be interfering...

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

I think the wind would have to be quite epic to produce that tremor. Normally when Jón tells us to shut up it is tremoring like it was recorded in the top of the graph. The tremors in the last 3 hours are more than ten times larger than that.

I would rule out the wind as the culprit this time.

My thought is that it is Hekla that actually produces these quakes.
Note that I am not saying that Hekla is about to erupt, that wont happen untill we get a swarm of 2 - 3 M quakes. Those normally starts 30 to 80 minutes before the eruption and stops when the eruption has started.

But, I guess that soon one of the pros will explain that I need to blow my nose and comes up with a good explanations to what is happening:)

"Earthquake Measuring at Least 6.5 Mw Strikes Oaxaca, Mexico
The quake, epicentered at 16.530°N, 97.708°W, struck about 120km WSW of Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico, at depth of 10km on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 07:22:27 UTC.
The earthquake struck about 100 km WNW of the epicenter of a magnitude 8.0 quake which struck the region on June 17, 1928.
The shock may well prove to be detrimental to oil and gas drilling activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
As of posting, there was no report of damage or casualties, but the Moderators believe some structural damage may have occurred locally close to the epicenter, and will post further information on Fire Earth Disaster pages."

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

#45 @Carl: You are right. We must keep our eyes wide open on this!

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

#54 #47 Winds are picking up a lot. Don't know how badly they interfere...

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

@Carl [45] -

I think somebody's having a party at Heklubyggd.

If it were anything but very local/manmade/weather, the other instruments would show it, too, most notably the HAU station. The wind peak was at 13 m/s; that's ~29 mph - that might rattle things a bit, depending on the direction etc, but I think these shakes are too large for that. Maybe there's a hail storm going - the weather does not look too good - and the coil assy is getting hits of those...

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

thanks getting my info from the: RSOE EDIS Emergency and Disaster Information Service. which is a computer generated report site maybe of some use to yourself. keep up the good work

@[50] -

OTOH, at about 0900 local the wind went from NW to SE, and then the fun on the helicorder did start. Also, at the same time the wind did pick up sharply. Could be that the circumstances do cause resonant oscillation in the structure.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Ref my post @23. I don't think that they are being caused by "just" wind.

By Adrian,Dorset, UK (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

#9 yeah i was gonna post that last night about Bbc new gravity map but you already done it.


El Chichon.

On the origin of El Chichón volcano and subduction of Tehuantepec Ridge (2008) J. Volcanol. Geothermal Res.

Ancient transform-fault being subducted into the Middle America Trench.

@Kultsi #51 @Adrian #53
I still think it was the wind, but if you're lucky with the current weather you may see on Ãórólfsfell cam a steam plume bending to the West which seems to me much stronger then before.
#52 Thank you, @parclair. Didn't have that link to Llaima. I saw that one too in a trip to Chile - majestic volcano!
@passerby #55 Thanks for the links. Let's hope no eruptions will happen.

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

@Parclair #26 even if it isn't "your" theory, you posted it and as far as I am concerned, it is your theory, too. Vesuvius did a real number on those towns and I suspect that Pompeii and Herulaneum were not the only towns destroyed by the eruption.

@Passerby #27 I had the thought that Pompeii had become sort of a "resort" town after the big quake you mention. I am not sure that is what happened, but given the beautiful colors still preserved in the buildings, it was quite a place to be living. A lot of people may have escaped the town, but were buried later by the pyroclatic flows and have never been found. I just have a bit of knowledge of the area so I have no idea other than what I have seen in documentaries or a National Geographic I got hold of. Could the eruption have happened in the fall of 79? If 79 isn't the correct year, what year would you take a guess it happened in? Just wondering.

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Well, it's obvious that 'people fled in great haste, leaving behind valuables and items for daily use', evidenced from archaeological investigations at both city sites.

Most people fled the eruption. The two letters of Pliny-the-Younger give evidence of the numbers fleeing, but their exact numbers and fate are unknown, but we know that approximately 2000 people remaining in the town on the afternoon of the following day, after the initial eruption started, perished as their remains have been found and about half excavated and studied.

Busy coastal seaports would have a large supply of ships; it's likely that those who fled before successive column collapses on the afternoon and evening of 25th survived and migrated elsewhere.

The eruption of 16-18 December 1631 sent an even larger mass of locals into mass exodus; ashfall and gases killed ~4,000.

See section, 'Magnetic Studies':

The window of opportunity was apparently short, but the early hours of the eruption, earthquakes and ejecta was vigorous enough to send the majority of inhabitants fleeing, in the 79AD eruption.

The GVP accepts and reported the re-estimated date of late October.

Well, I've resolved the interesting pattern of rolling deep quakes, barely perceptible, and identical to the shaking in 2004 observed here within the Columbia Basin and from offshore volcanic activity while working in Portland.

It's called the Olympic Wallowa Lineament.

There is a 'walk' of historical large earthquakes along this lineament and also aligned in a grid suggesting trans-torsional stress transfer (the tie-in to the 'arc' fault system I mentioned in an earlier post).

Dang! I knew there must be a major geological feature that explains this activity pattern.

While pondering on it, I happened to think again on the pattern of recent shallow (and I mean shallow as in 0-2 Km) earthquakes in the Basin. The most recent one just north of a prominent ridge feature, the Saddle Mountains of the South Columbia Plateau.

I suspect they are drilling for methane. Companies like Shell, Encana and others came into the basin to explore for methane deposits. They hired legal beagles, who demanded FOIA action with respect to land ownership info for mineral lease development with the CBP. In 2005, three exploratory wells were dug; each produced methane.

Apparently, the companies have started exploration in earnest; shakes a couple of months ago occurred on top of one another, well away from any surface feature (fault) that would account for *very shallow* stress-strain rupture.


These idiots are drilling within spitting distance of millions of gallons of lethal and toxic acids, solvents, metals and radionuclides known to man: The USDOE Hanford Nuclear Reservation waste facility.

The tanks are 'mixed waste' - a gamiche of very hot and corrosive materials.

They leak.

Passerby #60 sounds about as sensible as drilling a mile deep in water where hurricanes occur and not having a plan for clean-up when a problem happens.

BTW, OT, where is Randall and Dan? No news from them. And what has Alex done so far to the gulf? I will be checking on the status of that in a few minutes.

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Alex probably had a positive effect in providing water column mixing in the spill-affected area of the Gulf, possibly breaking up of the subsurface plumes and improving oxygen saturation in embayments that had become anoxic (Pensacola and Mobile).

Oil recovery efforts at the spill site were not seriously impacted, but barges providing protection nearshore had to be moved temporarily.

Alex has already whipped by and is approaching the Mexican eastern shore, south of the Texas border.

#61 @Diane: *sigh* Looks like we humans have a propension to loose our sensibility when profit is at stake.

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Well, what timing. :)
I've been lurking (not Lurking), but admit much of the discussion has been waaaaay over my head. But enjoy it none the less. Also been hooked on soccer (football) and the college World Series, and getting ready for trip to UK.
Alex has not had a wind impact here, way too far away. BUT... the seas have kicked up and pushing oil ashore from Mississippi to about 100 miles of Florida coast (maybe more). And we're talking quite a bit of oil. Plus, destroying protection measures, and I use the term loosely, for our bays. Right now we don't know how much is getting through the passes. They plan on moving the juvenile turtles to the east coast of Florida, as many as they can.
I may have to take Renato up on that offer of a place to stay. :)

By Dan, Florida (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

You're mostly welcome, Dan!
I'd thought about posting a comment on tequilas to lure you back to us, and there you are!

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

LOL works for me. :)

By Dan, Florida M… (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Dan mentioned:
>Right now we don't know how much is getting through the passes.

This needs just a touch of explanation for those who aren't familiar with the Gulf Shores Island National Park and the barrier island beach-and-channel structure.

First, the map…

Then, the following description of the unique barrier island pass was plucked from a NPS webpage on fishing in the park.

'The third major environ that characterizes the barrier islands is the pass -- the waters that separate one island from the other and connect the Sound to the Gulf. Horn Island Pass separates Petit Bois from Horn Island, and Dog Keys Pass lies between Horn and Ship Island. Farther to the west, Camille Cut, aptly named after its creator, separates East and West Ship Island. Finally, Ship Island Pass, through which the Gulfport Ship Channel runs, separates Ship and Cat Islands.'

These passes provide a mix of characteristics of both the Sound and the open Gulf . Currents here can, in fact, be so strong that it is ill-advised to wade farther than chest deep or to stray far from the nearest shoreline or boat. '

As of mid-June, oil had not made it into the passes.

@Dan, Florida Margueritas! Glad you're back. I was just reading Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog updates on Alex. Bad news to people in Mexico and Central America. But it doesn't look like it will be affecting much the efforts to stop the oil leak, if there are any taking place at the moment.

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Oil has made it into the pass at Perdido Bay and Pensacola Bay and I think at Destin. Been seen as far as the 3 mile bridge, which is about 10 miles(?) into Pensacola Bay. Not sure exactly when, would have to look back.
Alex did not stop the work at the oil site, but did stop all skimming/collection/burning and boom efforts.

Check out BeachFoxx blog at Wunderground for lots of good info at what is going on (with the occasional conspiracy thrown in, we try to keep it factual).…
Back in a bit, out to eat.

By Dan, Florida M… (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Good morning all!

Something is up in Iceland. If you look at the link bellow you will notice that the tremor activity has gone up considerably on around the stations used for E measuring. The scale has increased in all of them and the Hvollsvellur has almost tripled.

Jóns helicorder is trembling almost continously since the large tremors, but are now at lower levels, and there has been a few direct quakes at E.

I wonder said the flounder if not something is going to happen there again soon.

Carl #73
I have watched also tremors. First I was thinking that it is the rain?

But if you watch Godabunga blue 2-5 Hz - it is now rising straight up fast!

Sure, something more is happening...

I'm not up to speed in understanding things volcanic so forgive the stupid question, but is the Thoro/Poro (?) webcam shaking from wind or tremors. Watched it throughout E's eruption and never saw it do this before

dee #75

Yes,the cam is shaking. I haven't also seen it before.
Maybe there is a storm. The weather station says 22 m/s wind from east and rain.

You can see it from mulakot third cam:

I just checked the new weather forecast, seems like the icelanders missed in their forecast, it is currently blowing winds at full storm there. So what we are seeing is perhaps only wind-factors.

The camera is probably shaking in the 24 - 36 m/s windbursts:)

If you look at Hvolsvellur-cam you can see that the steam-plum from Eyjafjallajökull is getting blown straight to the left. The mountain is though very clear today and the output of steam is rather massive.

@Carl [73] -

There's a storm raging in Iceland, with wind speeds around and above 25 m/s.

Frex, it's shaking the Thórólfsfell cameras so that the picture is constantly jumping.

The tremors are, indeed, up, but I suspect this time the weather is the reason.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Ah, Finland is awake:)
The interesting thing is that this clearly shows that what was happening yesterday with Jóns helicorder whas not windrelated. The tremorings recorded yesterday was ten to twenty times bigger in 10ms winds than todays tremors in the 24+ winds.
I still vote for yesterday being Hekla-related.

@#78 -
What looks like steam being blown to the left on Hvolsvöllur cam is in fact moving to the right; clouds, IOW.

I really don't the look of those clouds or how the clouds coming in from the north get twisted to the east.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

Thank you all. Found this site when E was erupting so it's my first time "volcano watching". It is all so very interesting.

Yeah, I slept really late.

I admit that the tremors on Jón helicorders must be caused by other reasons than wind. If it's from Hekla, then those tremors were not received at the HAU station, as it showed nothing much out of the ordinary. There is also human activity to consider: Heklubyggd looks like a place that might be visited quite often.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink

I wish I had been sleeping late...

Actually if you look a bit closer at the Hvo-cam you see the steam-plume. Earlier in the morning there was pretty much no clouds at all and you could see the steam clearly, and no, it was not clouds generated due to moist air getting cooled of when pressed over a mountain. I know well how to discern that phenomenon from steam-plumes:)

I don't think it was humans making the helicorder noise yesterday, it went on for to long and was to powerfull for that. Something was happening seismically, but what? Arr, thar's da Rub as Snoop Dog said.

I like this address when monitoring E (maybe many have already seen it before)
There are most of important measures.

Below chart shows that daily number of earthquakes has been going down:

Chart showing the functionality Eyjafell last 15 days

So, not much ongoing activity, exept the tremors - but those was cause of the bad wheather conditions.
Only slight GPS movements which IMO says:
"No obvious explanation has been found for this movement"

The weather station a bit north from the Thórólfsfell camera site reported gusts at 38 m/s, that's 85 mph or 136.8 km/h. No wonder the camera is rocking - let's hope it does not get blown away.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

Good morning you all!
Yes, I've noticed the tremors, the shaking cams and the EQs. If you see in Jón's Helicorders, the direction of the wind is switching very rapidly. Winds aren't as strong as it has been forecasted, but I suppose they are kind of whirling, which increases tremor plots. Yet, tremor patterns show differently at
We could kindly ask Mila personal to better fix the cam so it doesn't get damaged.

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

#86 @Kultsi: That strong? It doesn't show on Jón's plots. Well then it's hurricane force winds. They cloud blow away the whole glacier... :)

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

@Renato #88 -
Apparently this weather is very local, as Heklubyggd wind speed high is only 17 m/s, and it's just on the other side of the ridge, so to speak.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

#89 @Kultsi : I totally agree, now I have seen the data. And Jón's helicorders have stopped plotting, maybe due two extreme conditions.
But Hvólsvóllör cam shows magnificent cloud formation.
Well guys, must leave for work. Keep me updated. Good bye!

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

While the Thro cam is rocking
or is that Islandic style of RiverDance,
I have development idea to Mila. They could put some weather measures like wind speed and direction to the cam picture beside the clock stamp;)

Ooops! Did the Tindfjöll weather station get blown away? At least no more data at 1100 hours GMT.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

Yes Kultsi! #92 - you resolved the development idea at once!!
No we only have to ask somebody to move that Heklubyggd's cam instead of Thoro cam or best solution is put it beside of it;)

hi all i can see the Mila webcam at E is shaking like mad! There a big deep low system between Iceland and the Uk,very slow moving.Moving north to north east and this low will stall for a while with heavy showers/rain and strong wind

Hello to all !

@Jón FrÃmann,Hi,
Im not sure if you're aware that your Hekla helicorder has stopped at about the 10:11 mark.
Kind regards,Adrian.

My heavens,it really is a wild day at Eyja.Im keeping my eyes on both the Godabunga and the Lagu Hvolar helicorders,theres some strong,erratic movement there !

By Adrian,Dorset, UK (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

Looks like it - nil at 12Z, too.

By Reynir, NK, .is (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

Mexico city had at6.2m Earthquake on 30/06/10 at 2.22am 1 person dead

Wow I can't take my eyes off the Thorosfelli cam. The dust storm is fascinating---;)

By parclair NoCal USA (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

Theres going to be a heck of a lot of ash getting airborne.

By Adrian,Dorset, UK (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

@100 No, this earthquake hit 355 km (220 miles) SSE of Mexico City metro area, in the same vicinity as the quake yesterday, on a subducting transform fault.

@#103 Hi Parclair,

My compliments to Bizarro,a very good cartoon !Thats the only laugh that i've had regarding the Gulf spill ! One small gleam of light in the darkness.

By Adrian,Dorset, UK (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

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