Ding-Dong Senate Bill 320 is dead!

Just received word (literally, 5 minutes ago) Senate Bill 320 was killed in committee! This required several 'nay' votes from Republicans, so thank you to those brave souls.

SUCK IT, IDiots!


More like this

Happy monkey.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 16 Feb 2009 #permalink

All praise the Global Darwinist Conspiracyâ¢!!!

In celebration, here is Ben Stein's character getting killed and vivisected on an episode of Tales from the Crypt. Seriously - fast forward to 3:05. Note the name of the cadaver, too.

Ah, I liked him better as a game show host.

Congratulations to you and OK.

BTW That Irish fella John Lynch packs one HELL of a punch! Maybe you could ask him for a picture wearing a cape? :)

I think we need to raise some money to send him to a few more states though - I am sure he'll like Mardi Gras. Suck on that Gov Jindal.

Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

Big win for the good guys.
Congrats to all.

Thank you, thank you, all!

Yes, the Darwinian Pressure Group, Delta Pi Gamma, takes full credit for the defeat of
SB 320. We threatened to withhold funding for Doc Bill's Stadium and Tire Emporium there in Norman, a multi-million dollar project that would keep hundreds of creationists in 3.2 beer for a decade. Now, the project will continue, contingent on earmark money from the Stimulus Package.

We'll be awaiting our check so we can proceed with the groundbreaking ceremony.

Re Daniel

Joshua of Nazareth doesn't appreciate fucking assholes like Mr. Daniel.

It certainly helped that one of the Republicans in that committee was the former president of Oklahoma State University.

Watch out for goram fraking amendments that some smegheads might add to some other bills.

Why has no one challenged the Louisiana version yet in court?
Maybe ID creationism can get its final legal Waterloo in Louisiana just like YECs did two decades ago.

Here is Vic's comment over at my place.

By John M. Lynch (not verified) on 16 Feb 2009 #permalink

Congratulations to the rational minority in Okla-by-god-homa!

I live in Texas, where our state board of education chairman is an idiot, and where our governor is likewise a complete dumbass. I feel your pain, but tonight I feel your happiness that there is a faint glimmer of hope in that corridor of ignorance and stupidity known as the bible belt.

By waldteufel (not verified) on 16 Feb 2009 #permalink

Sally Kern's "Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act" - HB1001 - is on the agenda of the House Common Education Committee tomorrow.

And the Tards score!
"Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act" - HB1001
House Common Education Committee


Blackwell, Cox, Dorman, Kern, Coody, Dank, Jones, Sullivan


Buck, McDaniel (J.), Shumate, Cannaday, Sears

By Prometheus (not verified) on 19 Feb 2009 #permalink

It wasn't amended to include parts of the academic fraud bill, was it? And didn't Gov. Henry veto this bill last time?

ha! you boys & girls really haven't got a clue, do ya now? the very same acamedic arrogant snickering is gonna come back and bit y'all in the arse eventually...let the government continue to chisel down our fundamental rights for 'freedom of speech', 'freedom to educate', 'freedom to pursue knowledge'....why, because this side of the room (judeo-christian precepts) isn't your flavor of the day? boo -hoo, you little snotty, piss-ants...THINK...if you're so brilliant...THINK...if one of us falls EVERYBODY falls!