Sally Kern lives in constant terror of the ACLU-- but at least Governor Brad Henry has her back.
Oh wait, no he doesnt.
The Baptist Messenger -- an established weekly newspaper with a paid circulation of over 85,000--decided to photoshop Governor Henry's signature on the embarrassing and archaic "Proclamation for Morality." And to try and make the piece of right wing trash look even more legitimate, they placed the text of proclamation onto Executive Department letterhead and forged the signature of Secretary of State M. Susan Savage next to the state seal of Oklahoma.
This is not a misunderstanding. This isnt a shoop done by an evil Atheist. Its for realsies. HA! People telling other people how to be moral lied! HAAAAAHAHAHAHA!
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What makes me sick is how all of the affected parties are making excuses for these lying scumbags. "...[T]hey simply made a mistake and I take him at his word."
Mistake, my ass! A lot of deliberate work went into this deception. But, oh well, as long as they "apologize profusely," that makes it all righty. I think I'll sign Obama's name to a proclamation stating that I don't have to pay income taxes. Then, when I get busted, I'll apologize profusely and claim I'm Baptist.
Hey, technically I'm still a member of the Baptist Church.
"Mr. Nigh was very apologetic and please, for everybody's understanding, that they simply made a mistake..."
So, they accidentally forged the governor's signature and falsified Ms. Savage's witness thereof and published it in error. I think a good "oopsie" should cover that.
See, they just wondered what it would look like if the governor and secretary of state endorsed their little proclamation, so they made a mock-up of it with seal and signatures, but then when they went to press they used the fake by accident. Could have happened to anyone.
Damn! I burnt that issue as usual without cracking the seal. Now Iâve lost a collectable bit of fundamentalist chicanery due to my own overwhelming desires to be rid of its sanctimonious, hypocritical stench. Oh well, Iâm sure there will be loads more in the next issue.
Christians do this stuff all the time!
Motto: All's Fair When Saving Souls!!
no... all's fair when you are lying for Jesus.
It's a shame there isn't really a hell for them to go to, by their rules they're halfway there already.
How's that saying?
"What's this? I don't even"
I call infiltration. Baptist graphic artist? How much you wanna bet the graphic artist is associated with the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund (the group that conspires to elect homosexual officials, and the same group behind the anti-Sally Kern youtube video--talk about balls.)
Oklahoma Baptist newspaper apologizes for fake Henry endorsement
Governor didnât sign âProclamation for Moralityâ
Apparently its all OK now. In the next issue they have a letter forgiving them of their sin, signed by Jesus.
Regardless, whomever did the doctoring should meet the same fate as Jayson Blair of the New York Times.
The paper issued a statement saying, "the artwork used was from previous editions of the paper and was used without the consent of the governor and secretary of state."
What are they calling it artwork for. How's come fundies never talk like normal people do? Like they're from the 5th century or something. Lol.
Fundies always talk like they're from 5th century bizarro land. They should get out a little more. Lol.
I thought of a good penance for the "paper". For one year, on the front page right under their name it should say "Liars for Jebus"
There's an awful lot of forgiveness floating around in certain circles of the GOP these days; maybe C Street should be expanding its new purpose.
heh heh heh
And once again, Willy Wally writes something so utterly ridiculous, I honestly have to sit back and consider the possibility that he's a Poe.
Yeah, one of "The Gays" infiltrated a Baptist publication and worked there diligently for nearly three years, just waiting for the moment he could Photoshop the governor's signature on a silly proclamation to make the Baptists look bad. Dammit, Willy! You're a genius! Why didn't any of the rest of us catch on? [/sarcasm]
Fucking idiot.
As much as I don't feel that calling someone gay or insinuating that they work for a GLBT organization is in any way a libelous accusation, I nonetheless hope Clint Walkingstick (the graphic artist in question) sues you for libel.
I was just thinking almost exactly the same thing Optimus. That comment is so retarded it makes you think he is a poe.
Well, technically, aren't fundies from First Century Bizarro Land?
William Wallace @9: Subvert from within!!
I am sorry to tell you this, Optimus, but Limp Willy is for real. I've been dealing with him on several other blogs before this, and he really does believe this stuff.
We could have saved Dunning & Kruger a fortune in lab time just by sending Limp Willy over.
Of course, no self-respecting Baptist could *ever* be a graphic artist! That's, you know, artsy. And you know what *that* means!
Run ERV! The evangelicals can shoop now!
Countdown to rule 34 on the "pre-born" and Satan's sneaky faux fossils.
"Ich bin kosten mein lazer! SHOOPEN DAS WOOPEN"
This is pretty funny in a sad sort of way; that Baptists, who believe in the literal inerrancy of the words written in the Bible would play so fast and loose with matters of fact.
I guess the Divine Fact Checker, who kept the contents of the Bible inerrant as it was passed down by word of mouth (for hundreds of generations) and then by written word (via multiple copies which we can track the phylogeny of by the same methods used for making DNA trees), and then as it was translated into multiple different languages slipped up a tiny bit in this case.
Ever here of Dan Savage?
I think Hanlon's razor works here: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
I doubt Wallace's assertion of sedition is particularly likely, either.
"Ever here of Dan Savage?"
Ever where of him?
Yes, actually. Your point? An openly gay theater director turned columnist? This proves your "point" about infiltration... how again?
What the Limpmeister islikely talking about. Note that the story is largely fictitious (though he did in fact commit actual voter fraud).
Ah, yes. More lying for Jesus. Does anyone expect otherwise?
BTW...Why don't Baptists have sex standing up?
Answer: Someone might think they're dancing.
and here I thought forgery was a federally indictable felony in your country - is it not?
William Wallace wishes the gays would infiltrate him.
(In the butt.)
It just keeps getting better and better. Have you seen this one yet?…
"What are they calling it artwork for. How's come fundies never talk like normal people do? Like they're from the 5th century or something. Lol."
It's a template. The raw file has the signatures at the bottom and a white space at the top where it says "PASTE WINGNUTTERY HERE"
What the crap were the Baptist Msgr people thinking?
It's embarrassing. Idiots.
Someone Who Attends a Southern Baptist Church