Dangerous Dogs #2

Since my last thread was such a hit*, Im dumping a collection of hysterical DANGEROUS DOG videos I have in my /lol/ folder.

Via icanhascheezburger, Rottie vs Kitteh:


Pitbull vs Ferrets:

2 Pitbulls, 2 Kittehs:

That last user has a video that never fails to cheer me up. I almost puke with laughter every time I see it. It also highlights the difficulties of accurately identifying breeds of DANGEROUS DOGS-- the owner of this pup calls her a pit. I dont think shes a pit. I think shes an American Bulldog. ??? Doesnt matter what her breed is-- her self-centered brothers are hogging the puppeh mat at nap time, and she cant get comfy... so sleepy... cant get comfy...



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OMFSM! I don't care what breed she is, that last video is the most adorablest thing I've seen in ages!

By the way, Arnie has a Mini-me! The pit behind us had puppies, and one of them looks like an itteh-bitteh, smoochable, pocket-sized Arnieman! I've been trying to snag a picture for you, but he's very shy. Every time I think I've got him lined up for a good snapshot, he runs and hides under momma.

Saw the first one yesterday. Kittens are utterly mad. (link to Two Lumps should go here)

I sorta want a ferret again, but they do rather smell. And I can't just throw him out to fend for himself like I can Dummkatz.

Why doesn't the last one just lie on top of the others? Seems to be the cat solution.

I hope all of this dramadramadramadramadrama pays for some puppy toys.


Feigned offense is insidious stuff. It lets bullies do what they do best, but with the added bonus of appearing to take the moral high ground. It's anti-social behavior with a halo.

And the kind of whining that appeared in the last thread was all feigned offense. Nobody has that much sand in their vagina.

Man, if I was being chased by two ferrets I sure would run like anything!

By JustaTech (not verified) on 22 Oct 2009 #permalink

The first one, with Big Doggy battling the kitten, reminds me of my first Doberman, ol' Blue. A friend used to bring over a miniature Schnauzer, which would always try to mix it up with Blue. But Blue just stayed in place, like the Sphinx, and only used her head to fend off the Schnauzer's attacks.

I've met a few pit bulls in my time, and all of them have been the friendliest dogs imaginable. The one I spent the most time with, named Ben, had a wood fetish. My friend (brother of the dog's owner) and I could give it a big stick to bite, and then pick it up by each end, carrying the dog, who refused to let go.

On the other hand, the German Shepherd my mother had when I was little was ornery. It was my mother's dog, and no one else's. I got bit on the lip trying to play with it when I was five (still have the scar, but I didn't cry and didn't go to mommy - at the time, I considered the bite deserved, since I was trying to turn the dog on her back). When we moved and had to give her away, she bit the hand of the guy that came to take her, drawing copious quantities of blood (the guy was completely nonchalant about it - he had handled plenty of dogs before).

So yes, dogs are harmless, and dogs are dangerous. Just like people.

I want to get an orange kitteh just like that and train it up to be mean and claw small children in the eyeballs.

Black Cats On Dope!

Little Kitty suddenly (like, less than an hour after my vet closes for the day) decided she was sick (I'll leave out the details; ultimately, UTI, probable kidney disease). We rushed to Angell Memorial in Boston, which couldn't do much, but gave us some antibiotics for the UTI and buprenex for kitty's discomfort.

Well, buprenex = buprenorphine and is also contained in suboxone.

After dosing, kitty was drowsy for over an hour, then suddenly was very affectionate and happy (almost like catnip, not quite as insane). But after about 5 minutes she went back to just looking wasted.

This repeated with the dosing this morning, except that the little energetic interlude happened while we were at our vet.

She seemed pissed at me when we got home; while she's good at the vet, I don't think she likes the idea that it's me who gave her (and who's going to be giving her) subcutaneous injections of ringer's solution.

For that matter, my housemate will probably be a little weirded out when he finds what looks like an IV drip setup over the kitchen counter.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 23 Oct 2009 #permalink


Marry me, please.


Good luck with the kitty.

I want to get an orange kitteh just like that and train it up to be mean and claw small children in the eyeballs.

Have you ever seen the kind of half-feral barn-cats some farms keep to kill rats?

That first video, to be honest, gives me the willies. Sure, the dog is clearly not hostile to the kitty, but I keep worrying that it'll accidentally hurt the kitten. Especially with its big sharp teeth.

Probably just my admittedly irrational big-dog-phobia speaking, though.

Although, on a related note, my uncle and aunt's kitten likes to chase our dog when he's over there - and he happily plays along. It's the funniest sight, this little kitten chasing a dog probably 10 times her weight! ^_^

That first video, to be honest, gives me the willies. Sure, the dog is clearly not hostile to the kitty, but I keep worrying that it'll accidentally hurt the kitten.

The kitten, really? I was worried that the dog would get an eye put out. (then, of course, it might chomp the kitty, but that wouldn't exactly be accidental anymore.)

Christina (#14)

Sure, the dog is clearly not hostile to the kitty, but I keep worrying that it'll accidentally hurt the kitten. Especially with its big sharp teeth.

Like windy points out, the bigger danger is to the dog. Even if the kitten is being careful, it could hurt the dog's eyes or give it a scratch that might get infected bad enough to send the dog to the hospital. Kitten claws are wicked sharp and none too clean. An adult dog's teeth, on the other hand, aren't very sharp at all and they tend to have good control over the power of their bite.

I thought you'd enjoy this. I took Half Pint to the dog park, and we met the world's sweetest and silliest rottie! This huge gal just wanted a belly rub and to play tug. So sweet!!! And it was the labs trying to take her on-she just rolled over. Gotta love the many pups who prove their bad (wrong) stereotypes are wrong.