
How to make something totally awesome and geeky even MOAR AWESOME AND GEEKY?

Stylize 'Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog' into an old-school Nintendo game:


H/T to Phage Integrase!


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Holy Awesome, Batman!

Wow! That is geeky cubed. And I watched the whole thing... {embarrassed}

Wow. I'm blown away by the whole thing, but especially by the faithfulness and ingenuity of the translation of the music. Incredible.

The soundtrack is available for download, and it includes songs for all the acts! I'd say that's a good sign that this won't be the only video.

*laugh* That's awesome. My life could only be more complete if someone made a Garry's Mod version :)

We do get to go to the musical for my wife's birthday, though! Not the original cast members, of course (that would be way too much to wish for ;). It's being held at the same place that Evil Dead: The Musical was at last year.

Your conference was mistimed :)

OMG!! I feel like I just got sucked into a vast black hole of total GEEKorama. I escaped, but I swear I left a few moist brain cells behind.