A visual addendum to last Friday's bonus entry:
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Friday's entry was on juvenile hormone, an epoxide-containing species (as in epoxy, see here and here). Today, I'll show you an example of how we've used it to battle bugs.
Methoprene doesn't contain an epoxide (many of the juvenile hormones don't), but it's a good mimic for JH. In its presence,…
Did you know that it is a fallacy that poor people have more babies than other people? I'll be discussing this topic next Friday at 6PM Mountain Time on Skeptically Speaking Talk Radio, with Desiree Schell, in the next installment of "Everything You Know is Sort of Wrong" (This is part of the…
There are only a couple of bands I'd drive a significant distance to see live, and now I've made the trip to NYC to see two of them. I went to see the Afghan Whigs in 2014, and this past Friday, I drove to Brooklyn for a Hold Steady show. And this time, I have a cool picture as a bonus...
Me with…
Poor gorillas. At least they have an excuse not to believe in evolution, however crappily it might impact their lives.
Recent outbreaks of Ebola among people in Africa also killed thousands of gorillas, animals already threatened by hunting, a new study reports.
Outbreaks in Congo and Gabon in…
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I remember making something very similar in Monty-sorry school way back when! Don't worry, they get a handle on Antarctica sooner or later. A subscription to National Geographic speeds the process...