There's a word for people like you

It has come to my attention that there is an adjectival form of my surname in use. However, none of the extant meanings of it seem applicable to me and the stuff I do. So, dear readers, I'm asking for your help.

But first, here's the usage to date:

Stemwedelian; alternate spelling: Stemewedellian (which rhymes with sesquipedalian)


1. (in computer science; first usage c. 2000) practically successful despite disregard of formal considerations (e.g., network architectural trickery that seems wrong at the time of implementation but which makes things work within budget constraints)

2. (in contract law; first usage 2006) relying on distinctions too fine to support, but in a way which illuminates flaws in the drafting of a contract; more generally, characterized by the creation of havoc using a clever litigation strategy.

We need to work out the meaning of Stemwedelian properly applied to the realm of the philosophy and ethics of science. Some possibilities:

  • characterized by an unwavering commitment to the belief that scientists can be motivated to do good science even in the absence of a high-stakes competition
  • prone to getting worked up about willful misrepresentations of scientific knowledge or the scientific method by policy makers
  • naively optimistic that being a good scientist and being a good person are fully compatible

But I'm not a lexicographer. Please leave your comments with the real meaning of Stemwedelian.


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characterized by an unwavering commitment to the belief that scientists can be motivated to do good science even in the absence of a high-stakes competition

I vote for this one (it being my own current obsession).

I think that perhaps somebody is trying to tell you something about your character, not about computer science or the law.

[Yeah, except that definitions 1 and 2 were actually coined to describe two of my siblings. And, I'm feeling a bit left out!]

syn. "pig-headedness" (?) fits for at least the first two of your proposed definitions.

And do you need to distiguish between capital S and small s definitions?

Just remember the motto on the family crest:
Seldom wrong; never in doubt.

You now find yourself in the interesting/unusual position of playing catch-up to two of your siblings. Will the third feel left out--or does he prefer it that way?

By Super Sally (not verified) on 21 Feb 2006 #permalink

The common thread I see is "smart in a half-assed way." You probably don't need any of that.

Next thing you'll be trying to make sure you can shove more whole grapes in your mouth than your siblings.

By Unlearned Hand (not verified) on 21 Feb 2006 #permalink