Another villianous internet quiz.

Being a fan of the old Tick cartoons, I had to find out which of the Tick's nemeses (nemesises?) I am.

I am cackling with glee to discover:

You think you're a villain, but are you villainous enough? The other villains look down on you and you desperately want their acceptance. In fact, your greatest caper (almost blowing up the Comet Club) was planned simply to make them accept you into the supervillain ranks.

You've got a gimmick, though, that can't be beat and in general you are one of the funniest villains around. Keep up the bad work!

I am The Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight! What Tick villain are you?

Brought to you by Leggman; Leggman's Tick Fansite.

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