Since we kicked off the drive yesterday morning:
- ScienceBlogs readers have made donations totaling $3784.30
- Our beneveolent overlords at SEED have put up as much as $10,000 to match reader donations*. That means that so far, SEED is kicking in $3784.30 to match what you all have donated. And, if readers can collectively donate another $6125.70, SEED is committed to matching that as well.
- So far, exactly 13 readers who have made donations have forwarded their email confirmations from DonorsChoose to to enter the drawing for fabulous prizes at the end of the drive. We have way more than 13 prizes to give away. Just thought you should know.
- In the bragging-rights battle between biology and cognitive science blogs ... well, it's not even close. The participating biology blogs have so far raised $2315.26 (or $289.41 per participating blog), while the cognitive science blogs have raised $146.81 (or $73.40 per participating blog). Come on, you brainiacs, give the biologists what for!
In case you'd like another look at the array of fabulous prizes, I've reproduced the list below the fold.
Fabulous Prizes!
When Donors Choose sends you a confirmation email, forward it to: This is your contest entry. Randomly drawn donors will win:
Subscriptions to Seed magazine
ScienceBlogs mugs
What We Believe But Cannot Prove, edited by John Brockman
The Republican War on Science, by Chris Mooney
Rebuilt: My Journey Back to the Hearing World, by Michael Chorost
Subscriptions to TIME magazine
Blogging in a Snap, by Julie Meloni
Viruses vs. Superbugs, by Thomas Hausler
Galileo's Daughter, by Dava Sobel
The Scientific Renaissance: 1450-1630, by Marie Boas Hall
Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, by Judea Pearl
Paleoanthropology (1st ed) by Milford Wolpoff (gently used)
* Let the record reflect that SEED decided, without any request, pleading, or shake-down from me, to put up the $10,000 in matching funds. This is cool, especially since I'm not very good at shaking people down for money.
Confused by something. Options on donation page include: "Donate to Challenge", or "Fund a specific proposal". If you fund a specific proposal, does the amount donated still count toward the challenge? Not that I'm taking sides in the biology vs. cognitive sciences showdown. Heaven forfend!
Funding a particular proposal within a Bloggers Challenge counts toward that challenge. So, no worries there.
If instead one chooses "Donate to Challenge" -- and, heaven forfend, the challenge doesn't meet its full goal -- then the blogger whose challenge it is will allocate the donated funds amongst the proposals on his or her challenge as he or she sees fit.
And by all means, if taking sides whips up more donors by inflaming partisan sentiments, do it!