Friday Sprog Blogging: how the dinosaurs really went extinct.

On the eve of the elder Free-Ride offspring's birthday, we ate at a restaurant where the kids' entrees were served with Dino Tots. Hilarity ensued.

Elder offspring: Please pass the ketchup. I'm going to make a tar-pit on my plate.

Younger offspring: The stegosaurus is really yummy.

Elder offspring: "Help! I'm trapped in the tar! Oh no, someone's coming to eat me!"

Younger offspring: (Dipping an already-munched dino in ketchup) This one is bleeding.

Dr. Free-Ride: Do reptiles have red blood?

Dr. Free-Ride's better half: Uh huh.

Dr. Free-Ride: It makes sense. I just don't think I've actually ever seen a reptile bleed before.

Elder offspring: All my dinosaurs have been eaten.

Dr. Free-Ride's better half: You've been Bitin' Off Hedz!

Younger offspring: Hey, there's one more hiding in this cave [made of grilled cheese sandwich crusts]. I got you! Chomp!

Dr. Free-Ride's better half: I guess now we know how the dinosaurs went extinct.

Dr. Free-Ride: Small mammals?

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