Online party to shut down Berube's blog.

You may have heard that the very dangerous professor is putting his blog on mothballs so he can play more hockey. But, it's not over until the WAAGNFNP Minister of Justice says it's over. And, she says (at comment 71 on this post) "We Are All Giant Nuclear Fireball. Now Party!":

Le Blogue-WAAGNFNP Blowout Party

WAAGNFNP High Council Club

Saturday, Jan. 13th 8pm Eastern

Doors open at 7:30pm

I'll be bringing a bag of lemons, a bag of sugar, and a case of Absolute Citron, so make sure you have your USB shotglass handy.

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Crap!. I just have a brandy snifter, and it's FireWire only!

go Dr. Free-Ride!

By Party Now! (not verified) on 13 Jan 2007 #permalink

I love Dr. Free-Ride!

Thanks for the lemon drops, Dr. Free-Ride! It's just not a party without citrus.

You're super!

Hope you can make it for brunch tomorrow, Dr. Free Ride. (I don't have an exact start time - depends on what time I get home from work).


Ceci n'est pas un commentaire.

By René Magritte (not verified) on 13 Jan 2007 #permalink