We're in day 2 of the ScienceBlogs Blogger Challenge, during which we're working with DonorsChoose to raise some money for classroom projects. The amount contributed by ScienceBlogs readers is creeping up on $4000, which is pretty impressive.
But it looks like the real competition may be for which blogger can offer readers the best incentive to donate.
I thought I was doing pretty well with my offer of poetry, sprog artwork, or a basic concepts post written to order. (Indeed, we're already on the hook for an illustrated poem.) But my SciBlings have upped the ante:
- Deep Sea News is offering, to their two top donors, a choice of swag from the Monterey Bay Aquarium or "a vial of mud from the ocean floor at 3500m with a framed map and certificate of authenticity."
- For a donation of $25, ScienceWoman will ink up Minnow's little hands to make you personalized handprints. (Think of how much those will be worth when Minnow has grown up to be a famous scientist!)
- Zuska is giving away women in science and math magnets to the first 20 people donating $30 or more to her challenge. And then, she's having a drawing for the grand prize, a T-shirt inscribed with: Zuska says: Don't make me puke on your shoes.
- Josh is sending NCSE bumper stickers to his first 20 donors ("Honk if you understand punctuated equilibrium" and "Evolutionists do it with increasing complexity").
- Bora and John Lynch are asking for suggestions as to what they should give away.
I just thought you should know what else is on the table so you can make an informed decision about how to direct your donation(s).
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