Blogger Challenge 2007 sprog thank-you art + poem: rainforest.

A reader made a generous donation to one of the projects in my challenge in the name of Connor S. (age 8) from Conshohocken, PA. Connor S. in interested in the rainforest, so the donor requested an illustrated poem about the rainforest. The sprogs and I are pleased to provide haiku about the five layers of the rainforest:

Emergent layer:
High heat, dry wind, butterflies.
Trees scraping sunward.

Canopy layer:
Lush unexplored continent.
Half the life on earth.


Understorey shade:
Canopy-bound seedlings drink
Small scraps of sunshine.

Shrub layer: broad leaves,
Shade lovers, tiny trees. Light
Distant memory.

Humid forest floor:
Fungi devour leaves and beasts
Fallen from the sky.


The sprogs send a heartfelt thank you to Connor S. and his donor, and encourage the rest of you to consider how good it would feel to donate to a project in my challenge.


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