A cool science and engineering challenge for curious kids.

Speaking of science fairs, if you know of kids (grades 5-12) in the San Francisco Bay Area who are looking for a challenge, this one might be of interest:

It is not too late to participate in this year's Tech Challenge. The Tech Museum of Innovation's 21st annual Tech Challenge is designed to get at the heart of innovation for young people and is geared to the California Math, Science and Language Arts standards. This year's Tech Challenge focus is on the need for safe clean drinking water. One in five people in the world do not have regular access to safe drinking water. The challenge: design a simple device to move water from the stream up to the village. With no electricity available, the flow of the stream needs to power the water mover.

An intriguing problem, no? Here are the challenge details:

There is still time to register for this year's Tech Challenge and to attend the last Information Clinic on Saturday, March 22. If you weren't able to attend February's clinics or if you would just like to come and ask more questions, now is your chance. We will be reviewing the official test rig with attendees, and providing all kinds of valuable tips and information designed to make your experience with Tech Challenge a great one!

There are two sessions on Saturday, March 22 to choose from: 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. The Information Clinic will be in New Venture Hall and is FREE to attend.

If you have friends who would like to participate in this year's Challenge, it is not too late. The Tech Challenge registration deadline is March 31.

Key Tech Challenge Facts:

  • Grades 5-12 compete in two groups - middle and high school.
  • Team activity - teams can be made up of two to six people.
  • Not limited to classrooms - teams can be from all walks of life. Great for Math, Engineering and Science clubs. Makes a wonderful after school project!
  • Adult advisor required. We can help match teams with a volunteer advisor.
  • The last information clinic is scheduled for Saturday, March 22 at 11 am or 1pm. You will be able to see the test rig and ask lots of questions. Please check the website at techchallenge.thetech.org for more information.
  • Registration fee is only $50 per team through March 31, 2008. Register three teams at the same time and save $10 per team.
  • Title 1 schools can receive a fee waiver. Just email challenge@thetech.org for more information.
  • Deadline to enter is March 31, 2008.
  • Registration fee includes FREE trial membership to The Tech for team members and advisor.
  • Awards range from Best Solution to Most Spectacular Failure! (At The Tech, we value failure as a hugely important part of the creativity process!)
  • More information, including key dates and online registration, is available at techchallenge.thetech.org.
  • Please share this great program with your child's After School Director, club leaders and other organizations you think can benefit from this wonderful, standards-based educational experience.

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