Snail eradication (day 7).

This morning I overslept, so I didn't get out into the yard until 6:15 AM to commence the gastropod picking.

Either someone got to them before me, or there just aren't many left in the parts of the yard I am actively patrolling.

Seriously, there weren't even any slugs on the side of the watering can (which is usually good for at least five slugs and snails on any given morning).

By rummaging around at the bases of some of the bushier plants, I was able to scare up a few slugs -- fairly little ones, too, probably not mature enough to be reproducing.

Like yesterday, this was not a very dewy morning. I don't know if this is affecting how accessible (as opposed to hunkered down) the gastropods are when I come out looking for them.

It's almost too much to hope that we've turned the corner on our infestation this early in the campaign. But maybe.

Today's take: 18 snails and slugs (about half and half) in 20 minutes.

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