Actually, the Free-Ride offspring are just taking a few art classes this summer. We haven't packed them off to live in a garrett somewhere. (Not that we haven't given the matter thought.)
Here are some drawings from their first week.
By the younger Free-Ride offspring:
The light brown lop-eared rabbit in the picture is, apparently, an homage to the rabbit I had in grad school (long gone by the time either of the sprogs was on the scene).
By the elder Free-Ride offspring:
I'm especially fond of the cacti and the bug in the foreground.
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Thanks. Nice work sprogs. But this does NOT mean you should take next week off...
Art school!? The next thing you know, they're gonna be dressed all in black and sparking up doobies!
I like the lop bunny. He looks like grad school makes me feel.
The bug is great. In the first that the Tardis? If so, these kids are showing promise!
These are fabulous. The bug looks like he's active and the bunny looks sad :)
Clearly a TARDIS in the first picture.