Bastille Day sprog art.

Not that the art has anything to do with Bastille Day, but it seemed like as good an occasion as any to share some more of their work.

And, for the record, if art classes somehow lead the Free-Ride offspring to adopt an all-black wardrobe, they are bloody well going to find themselves reading Sartre. In our house, moody black-clad young people are philosophers!

From the younger Free-Ride offspring:


I'm told this is a water buffalo striding to the water hole by moonlight. My sense, from the drawing, is that a water buffalo could sneak up on you on a dark night.

From the elder Free-Ride offspring:


No official verdict on what kinds of birds these are. Their feathers sure are pretty, though.

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The one in the middle sure looks like a (male) pheasant.

I should try those some day, I think. I didn't use to like them, but so was the case for lotsa stuff when I was a kid.