People with search engines have questions.

Including this question which, apparently, led a popular search engine to direct someone to this very blog:

Is philosophy tested on animals?

No. No, it isn't.

(Actually, it's not clear to me that all of it is tested on humans, either.)

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Google suggestions = love

"is lady gaga a man?"

"is p"
"is pluto a planet?"

"is ph"
"is pho healthy?"

"is phi"
"is philosophy a science?"

"is phil"
"is philosophy dangerous?"

I, for one, would like to know the answer to each of these questions.

Sadly, "Does Philosophy test on animals?" is on Yahoo! Answers, and appears to refer to a Philosophy Skin Care company. That is much less fun. However, teh internets (specifically, does tell me in response to the last question "it kills you" (source unknown).

but natural philosophy was (vivisection experiments in the 1600's, for example). so when did `natural philosophy' stop being `philosophy'?

There's always someone putting Descartes before the horse... Tested on animals? it's even practiced by them..
Surely you've heard of the Spinozazoans. And pigs?--Baconians all. Then there's the famous bactrian existentialist Albert Camel. Also, there are some tasty philosophical dishes directly resulting from the testing of philosophy on animals. Chicken Parmenides, and Braised Pascal come to mind.

I tested philosophy on animals many times. It just makes them testy. The animals in question were human though. :-)

My cat ignores me when I start talking philosophy. Does that mean it's test on him? Of course he tends to ignore talking if you are not petting him.

By katydid13 (not verified) on 05 Nov 2009 #permalink

There's no need to test philosophy on animals, it has been tested for years on another lesser species -- students.

Philosophy, in theory, is mostly harmless; in application, it may lead to revolutions or other forms of dizziness. May cause drowsiness.

(Actually, it's not clear to me that all of it is tested on humans, either.)

And thank goodness for that...

I thought that the Pig Who Wants To Be Eaten filled out some questionnaires, right?

btw, 'philosophy' is a brand of skincare products. but yes, the question is funny :)