Some day I sell DNA!

Why is this video so damn funny?


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Holy cow, someone posted a link to this video in a comment and you just have to see it. It's Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort "debunking" evolution in the most hilariously ridiculous thing you may have ever seen. Funniest of all is that they start it out by saying that they're going to be interviewing…

ive been sending this to everyone i know. its the single greatest video ever. "Pinnacle of Human Achievement" may be the best way to describe it.

Ha! A friend showed me that video the other day. The song's been stuck in my head ever since, and I'm thinking that when I write a surreal, Pynchonian novel, there'll probably be a character in it named Benny Lava.

"I'll lick you,

The Ninja made a movement."

Brilliant stuff distributed on the outlet that Dean Ween has called the greatest invention ever: Youtube. I agree.