Comments Policy

Many thanks to Dave of Cognitive Daily for pointing out to me that my “comments moderation” feature was turned on, meaning that I had to personally approve of each comment before having it appear. Until he pointed it out to me, I didn't realize I had such a feature.

So let me apologize to the people who had to wait for so long to see their comments posted. I have now turned off the moderation feature, so comments should be published as soon as you finish writing them. We'll see how that goes for a while.

This might be a good time to lay down my comments policies. They're not very restrictive, and really should be common sense. At my old blog I was generally pretty happy with the level of the comments, so hopefully that will continue. You are free to express whatever opinion you like, even if you are vigrously disagreeing with what I have to say. I have never deleted a comment solely for the opinion it expresses, though I reserve the right to do so if someone posts something really beyond the pale. As judged by me, of course. Occasionally you get some jerk who leaves Viagra ads, or links to websites that have nothing to do with the subject of this blog, and those get deleted as soon as I become aware of them.

Otherwise, I only ask that you follow a few rules:

  1. No profanity. This is a family blog.
  2. Nothing that is even arguably libelous.
  3. Make your comment related to what I posted.
  4. Heat can be good, but light is better.
  5. No anonymous comments. I like to know who I'm arguing with.

That about does it for now. Hopefully people will exercise enough self-control to make any further moderation by me unnecessary.

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