Greetings to ScienceWoman!!

We have a new Science Blogger! She is ScienceWoman:

What I do write about are my experiences as an early career scientist who also happens to be a woman.

I share my life as the mother of a spunky seven-month old girl who has already “helped” with field work and seminars. I describe the dramas of being a first-year assistant professor, scrambling to write lectures and grant proposals and figure out what “service” means, while trying to be home for a little playtime before my daughter's 7 pm bedtime. I write blog posts while pumping breastmilk and strategize research ideas over the course of 2 am feedings.

I do some of my best feeding at 2 am! Sounds like an interesting blog. I suggest everyone go have a look.

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I'm the new mommy blogger here at ScienceBlogs. I don't write about the latest ground-breaking research in my field. I don't even publicly reveal what my field is. What I do write about are my experiences as an early career scientist who also happens to be a woman. I share my life as the mother…
I'm the new mommy blogger here at ScienceBlogs. I don't write about the latest ground-breaking research in my field. I don't even publicly reveal what my field is. What I do write about are my experiences as an early career scientist who also happens to be a woman. I share my life as the mother…
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Selva reports - Dennett has an article on computers and chess in Technology Review. (Which requires some sort of registration)

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 21 Sep 2007 #permalink