If you followed the link in the last post and need to be reminded what a real journal looks like, you might want to have a look at the first issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach. I've only read the article titles so far, but they look pretty interesting. And since the editors are Niles Eldredge (of punctuated equilibrium fame) and his son Gregory Eldredge, I'm optimistic that it will be worth reading. Go have a look!
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Niles Eldredge!!! Congratulations Niles.
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T. Ryan Gregory has announced that you can now read the inaugural issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach, which includes his own article.
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Looks fascinating but it could have done without that little bit about honing Evolution's propagada element by planting the world "evolution" every chance you get.
A bit much, that.
I have a nomination for an outreach:
"The simple point of Darwinism is that the strong survive and that the weak, as unfortunate as it may sound, must fail. There is simply not enough room in our society for all to win. Otherwise, the words 'winner' and 'loser' would not exist, just the word 'neutral.' I say all of this from purely a business point of view...."
Yep, a business writer. He goes on:
"... So what do we do now? Do we avoid Darwinism? Do we accept the 'Moral Hazard card'? Do we reward those who took out second and third mortgages? Do we reward investment banks that created all sorts of esoteric investment vehicles that by and large improved their own earnings without regard to their client's needs? Do we change the rules of mortgage resets?...."
I think this economy may indeed be deserving of a Darwin Award, time will tell. But ....