Hitchens on the Religious Right

All sorts of items in the news about science, religion and politics. As a warm-up, here's Christopher Hitchens stating it plain about the odius denizens of the religious right:

Isn't it amazing how self-pitying and self-aggrandizing the religious freaks in this country are? It's not enough that they can make straight-faced professions of "faith" at election times and impose their language on everything from the Pledge of Allegiance to the currency. It's not enough that they can claim tax exemption and even subsidy for anything "faith-based." It's that when they are even slightly criticized for their absurd opinions, they can squeal as if being martyred and act as if they are truly being persecuted.

Well said! I recommend the whole column.


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Well, the sentence

"It's that when they are even slightly criticized for their absurd opinions, they can squeal as if being martyred and act as if they are truly being persecuted"

could clearly be applied to Mr. Hitchens as well; he really has no moral authority to criticize anyone anymore. He has zero credibility.

Well, if there's anyone who knows a thing or two about self-aggrandizing...

Agreed. This column is worth the read. Like this-

"Huckabee has become a master at disarming secular audiences." This big fat lie becomes a slender and wispy half-truth only if enough fools can be brought to believe it.

For the record, I am a secularist in the audience. I am not disarmed. Quite the contrary. I now have more armament by virtue of Huckabee's admission of personal incompetence. If a full grown man stands up and says that an ISS* is controlling him or even influencing his behavior I don't vote; I call a doctor!

*Invisible Supernatural Spook

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 22 Dec 2007 #permalink

"Huckabee has become a master at disarming secular audiences." This big fat lie becomes a slender and wispy half-truth only if enough fools can be brought to believe it.