So Much for Self-Reliance

Glenn Beck is not happy with the Obama administration:

Glenn Beck is so outraged by President Obama's immigration plan that he was forced to ask on his show Thursday, “President Obama, why don't you just set us on fire?”

In his “The One Thing” segment Thursday (that was picked up and hammered by Media Matters), Beck imitated Obama pouring gasoline on the “average American” by dousing Red Eye's Bill Schulz with water out of a red jug.

Beck railed against Obama's budget, his speech to France, his quasi-bow to the Saudi King, the closing of Gitmo, developments in Cuba, and finally Obama's new immigration plan -- metaphorically pouring gasoline on Schulz with each new topic.

“We didn't vote to lose the republic!” Beck screamed. “We voted for change!”

Since Beck is constantly extolling the virtues of small government and self-reliance, I would encourage him not to wait for President Obama to douse him with gasoline and set him on fire. He is perfectly capable of doing that to himself.


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Well. Beck is already a flaming idiot.

Jason, I couldn't agree with you more!

How about this whole 9/12 thing he's (GOP) got going on? The don't tread on me flag, getting your guns before "Obama outlaws them".

I had the unfortunate experience of having to watch his show Tuesday, my dad is a follower, which is sad. I don't understand Beck. I hope his show/actions don't cause our country to be so divided. Because my father has the don't tread on me flag and some version of the confederate flag, 3 guns, all purchased at a recent gun & knife show here in Columbia, SC. He also told me they sold 1 million rounds of ammunition? This all sounds so great doesn't it??? (hear my sarcasm)

This is scarier than "big government".

Since Beck is constantly extolling the virtues of small government and self-reliance, I would encourage him not to wait for President Obama to douse him with gasoline and set him on fire. He is perfectly capable of doing that to himself.

Which is now a quote on my sidebar.

What's your take on GNXP, the 10,000 year explosion, Pinker, etc.? It seems like there is this school of research in genes that is showing more and more human behavior comes from genes, that races have differences, etc. And it seems to combine anti-PC conservatives and more and more hard core scientists. Than we have the remnants of the Gouldian left. Now, I know that your normal battle is with the Christian right who don't beleive in evolution. But what do you think of the ascending anti-PC types who beleive in it too much..and who are getting more and more confirmation from experiments, mDNA migration maps, etc.

"We voted for change!" he said?

I doubt it. I think it's pretty much a sure thing he -- and his fans -- voted for McCain.

First off - I don't think Beck voted for "change", and I am a bit offended that he includes himself among those of us who did in order to tell us what's on our minds.

I was watching CNN yesterday and saw a story about President Obama - the reporter said that he is chipper but I was struck by how worn he looks, even a few months in.

This man is facing a medley of literally unprecedented hardships with a disloyal opposition jeering him every step of the way. I admire the president but I certainly don't envy his task.

My crazometer might be a bit rusty, but I'm clocking PZDUMMY at .47 timecubes, with gusts into the low .5's. Can anyone give me a second reading?

By Traffic Demon (not verified) on 11 Apr 2009 #permalink

Trafic Demon: Can anyone give me a second reading?

Apparently not. I clicked through and got this:

The web hosting account that hosts this website has been blocked!

By Trin Tragula (not verified) on 11 Apr 2009 #permalink

I smile a little every time someone rates a crackpot on the Timecube scale, since years ago, I actually met Gene Ray. Yes, even in real life, he does insist that time is cubic.

Over at Pharyngula, where yesterday PZDUMMY posted essentially the same comment 160 times on the same thread, the consensus seems to be about .85 timecubes.

Doesn't it ever occur to these people that flying the confederate flag is treason? That nation came into existence with the express purpose of waging war against the USA to acquire part of its territory.

Paul Murray: "Doesn't it ever occur to these people that flying the confederate flag is treason?"

Watch it. The southern secession itself was arguably treason, but commemorating it, while foolish, is protected by the First Amendment.

By J. J. Ramsey (not verified) on 12 Apr 2009 #permalink