You might have noticed that the overlords have updated my blog template. That was very nice of them! Alas, it does mean that some maintenance is required over on the sidebar. I'm not likely to get to that for a day or two, so you will just have to put up with a distorted view of my smiling mug. Sorry about that. I assure you I look far worse in person.
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Hm. Looks normal to me. :D
I don't know, I kind of like it.
You're both very sweet. I'm getting used to it myself, but my first thought was that I look distorted. The overlords thought so too. :(
" you will just have to put up with a distorted view of my smiling mug"
That's a stetch - literally!
One thing I've consistently noticed about the blogs at Sci-Blogs is the fact that the actual blog is so squished between the two sidebars that it gets forced down to the bottom of the page, so I have to page down several times before I even see the blog, which is what I actually came to the page to look at.
There's something slightly insidious about a blog where the actual blog is the last thing you can get to! Maybe it's time to abandon sidebars all together?
Overlords. Lolz. :)
The new picture is up, but the file is too large: almost 3 megs. Takes forever to load.
The picture is too big, dude. 2,400 x 3,600 pixels, 2.8 MB.
Pharyngula's is 150 x 145 pixels, for example.
Thanks for the heads up about the photo. I had forgotten to compress it before posting it. Should be fixed now.
Jack Good, a mathematician who worked with Turing at Bletchley Park,
has died; details here.
i thinkts its good theme like this. I wish good luck with your new blog theme.
As a webmaster i congradulate you. And hope new theme brings more luck. seo
noticed about the blogs at Sci-Blogs is the fact that the actual blog is so squished between the two sidebars that it gets forced down to the bottom of the page, so I have to page
There's something slightly insidious about a blog where the actual blog is the last thing you can get to! Maybe it's time to abandon sidebars all together?
There's something slightly insidious about a blog where the actual blog is the last thing you can get to! Maybe it's time to abandon sidebars all together?
Thank you very Much
Thanks for the heads up about the photo. I had forgotten to compress it before posting it. Should be fixed now.