For my Virginia readers, I have just learned that Judge John Jones, of Dover trial fame, will be speaking at Bridgewater College on Thursday, September 17. Bridgewater College? That's about twenty minutes from Harrisonburg! Looks like I have plans tomorrow night...
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I've seen him speak before and came away sorely disappointed. He seemed to have very little to say about anything, and most of his comments were just related to his surprise that the dover trial became such a Big Deal. Maybe he has some more to say this time, but I wouldn't hold too high of hopes.
I have not heard him speak, but the fact that he ruled appropriately in the "Dover Trial" is no guarantee he is an insightful thinker. I would attend to ask, "What are the compelling legal issues separating church and state?", but it's a three day drive.
Hope you enjoy the evening.
Well rain on my parade why don't you! As I said, it's a pretty short drive for me, so I think it will be worth the very limited amount of trouble to see him speak.