Cat Saves House From Fire

I realize that other people have the cat blogging beat nailed down, but this story is just too heart-warming to pass up.

Now, back to grading finals...

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1: cat was running away, not saving house. cat has good sense of self-preservation.
2: is it not normally the case that opening a window to a room with a fire in progress would feed the fire fresh oxygen and so make it worse, not better? Plus improve ventilation and circulation, which again helps not hinders the fire?

By GrayGaffer (not verified) on 17 Dec 2010 #permalink

I agree with GrayGaffer. The cat was saving its own ass.
Cats can't be trusted. If they could be, they'd be dogs. A dog is loyal enough that, if you should die in your sleep, it will wait until it's really hungry before gnawing on your corpse, and it will feel really bad while it does so. Cats don't even wait for you to die. Bad Whiskers! Bad!

Funny, I misread the title as "Cat Stephens' House on Fire". Expected a passionate defense of free speech.

Well, the cat did save the whole home...

...but only because the window was so small that saving just the cat food, the can opener and the feather-on-a-stick wasn't an option.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 19 Dec 2010 #permalink