Cute Overload

Animals With Stuffed Animals. The name says it all.

More like this they're giant round fuzzy stuffed animals. hug them. "They're giant, round, fuzzy, stuffed animals. Hug them." (tags: animals silly toys kid-stuff)
The younger Free-Ride offspring's third grade class is involved in some independent research about animals. Each student chose an animal (with no duplicates, as far as I can tell) and set off to find a nonfiction book about that animal to gather information for a written report and an oral report…
Until recently the Mascarenes were home to an endemic radiation of giant tortoises, the Cylindraspis species. These were entirely separate from the better known, more 'typical' Mascarene giant tortoises grouped together in Dipsochelys or Aldabrachelys (Austin & Arnold 2001). Easily the most…
The Southern Poverty Law Center just published an article on an interview they did with an animal liberation freak, Camille Marino (you remember her). There isnt really anything I feel I need to say about it. I think Marino says it all. Marino thinks so too. After the article was published, she…

Can't go wrong with a good cuddle!

I initially read the title of this post as "Cute Overlord", which I think all will agree, would probably have been a very different post.

And I initially read the link as "Animals Stuffed with Animals" which would not be cute at all.

By Michael Kremer (not verified) on 16 May 2011 #permalink