Back From the Big Reunion

I have now returned from my twenty-year high school reunion. It was a lot of fun, but it's really quite shocking just how blurry my memory of high school really is. There were about fifty alums there, but I recognized less than half of them. Happily, two of my closest friends from high school were there, including my prom date, so it was great to catch up with them.

The whole experience prompted me to pull my yearbook off the shelf for the first time in, well, twenty years actually. I browsed through some of the things that people wrote, and two things stuck me in particular. One was the sheer number of people I don't remember at all who wrote about what good friends we had become. But the other was that virtually everyone mentioned either math, chess or writing, and usually all three.

The more things change and all that.

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Oh, man at least you have blurry memories. I am not sure I would even have those. Nice post by the way.

By Kaiser Permane… (not verified) on 08 Sep 2011 #permalink