Commenting Woes

I have now done three posts since the migration, but I have not received any comments. Now, the first entry was a chess post, and I'm used to not getting any comments on those. I raised an eyebrow when I got no comments on the House post, surely I'm not the only one around here who enjoyed the show? But when I didn't get any comments on my science/religion post, then I decided something must be wrong. So I tried to post a comment of my own, but it did not allow me to do so. It pretended to allow me; I typed in my comment and my information, and clicked on “Submit Comment,” but then nothing happened. No error message, no getting sent to moderation, nothing. I simply got sent back to the blog main page and the comment vanished into the ether.

I'm not sure what the problem is. I've notified the overlords, so hopefully the mystery will be resolved soon. My apologies to anyone whose comments got eaten.

Er, at least I hope that's the reason for the quiet around here.

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A possible problem is that the previous RSS subscribtion *didn't* migrate so I've only just started to read your recent posts. Is there maybe a way of letting subscribers on your old RSS know they need to resubscribe?

By That Guy Montag (not verified) on 13 Jun 2012 #permalink