
I finally created a Twitter account, mostly so that I could find out who keeps tweeting about my posts. The little Twitter counter under the title consistently has some pleasingly non-zero number in it, so I thought I should find out what people are saying. Alas, whenever I click on the little number, it just takes me to the home page I just created. But that's not what I wanted! If someone wants to talk gently to me and explain what I am doing wrong, I'll be happy to hear it.

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Would you send out a "Hello world"-type message on twitter so we know we have the correct Jason Rosenhouse who follows math, chess, & atheist twitter feeds; ha ha.

When I click on the "@ Connect" tab at the top of my home page, there's a link called Mentions that's described as: "Tweets that mention you, or are in reply to you, appear here."

I think that's what you're asking about.

By James A. Brown (not verified) on 04 Mar 2013 #permalink

Alas, nothing seems to come up in the Mentions category. But I do seem to have three followers already. Goodness!

The link seems to have a superfluous # in it. Have Twitter changed their URL structure recently?