New book on junk science

There's a new book on junk science out. The following is from an announcement on the History and Philosophy of Science list. I haven't read the book myself.

Although the term "junk science" has often been used by rightists in
the U.S. to describe science that contradicts their interests, they
have no ownership of the phrase.

Since the twisting of science by various special interests has always
been part of the history of science, I make (with your indulgence)
announcement of the following new book and its complete Table of

JUNK SCIENCE: How Politicians, Corporations, and Other Hucksters
Betray Us. St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books, 2006. 336 pp.
Published October 3, 2006. Author: Dan Agin.



Part I: The Moons of Jupiter
1. Science, Junk Science, and Dogma
2. Fraud and Fabrication in Science

Part II: Buyer Beware
3. The Food and Diet Circus: Eat Your Way to Happiness
4. GM Foods: Frankenstein in a Corn Patch
5. Ageing and Longevity: Live Forever Now
6. Tobacco: Drug-Dealing in America

Part III: Medical Follies
7. Junk Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Profits
8. Quack Doctoring: It's a Free Country, Isn't It?
9. Health Care in America: Sorry, Not For Everyone
10. The Talk-Therapy Flea Market

Part IV: Poison and Bombs in the Greenhouse
11. Pollution: Private Interest and Public Poison
12. Missiles and Terrorism: No Place to Hide
13. Global Warming: Yes, Your Beach House May Be Gone

Part V: Religion, Embryos, and Cloning
14. Creationism: The World as an Egg
15. Stem Cells: The Petri Dish Blues
16. Cloning: Will We Have A Hundred Jerry Falwells?

Part VI: Genes, Behavior, and Race
17. Genes and Behavior: You Need a Golf Gene Here
18. Race and IQ: Two Myths Make a Bumble

Part VII: On Truth and Lies
19. Our Failures: Is Anyone Innocent?

The book in most large bookshops in the U.S. and U.K., and also
online at, Barnes & Noble, and other outlets.

Much thanks for your attention,

Dan Agin

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If ya mean the HOPOS list, it's a history OF philosophy of science list. I mention this only because people (not you) sometimes get into posting all sorts of off-topic stuff to it.