I'm a follower, not a leader. And when John Lynch and Mike the Mad Biologist do something, I must too. I am their terrorism-loving lapdog, I am...
Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 98%
You are a terrorist-loving, Bush-bashing, "blame America first"-crowd traitor. You are in league with evil-doers who hate our freedoms. By all counts you are a liberal, and as such cleary desire the terrorists to succeed and impose their harsh theocratic restrictions on us all. You are fit to be hung for treason! Luckily George Bush is tapping your internet connection and is now aware of your thought-crime. Have a nice day.... in Guantanamo!
Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
But note this: I am more Terrorism-Loving than John, and only a little less than Mike. Fear me.
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I don't think anyone is surprised by this ...
Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 94%
You are a terrorist-loving, Bush-bashing, "blame America first"-crowd traitor. You are in league with evil-doers who hate our freedoms. By all counts you are a liberal, and as such cleary desire…
The best internet quiz, EVAH! My results and the link, below.
Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 100%
You are a terrorist-loving, Bush-bashing, "blame America first"-crowd traitor. You are in league with evil-doers who hate our freedoms. By all counts you are a liberal, and as…
Since Wilkins, Lynch, and Mike are doing this, I must follow (my mom said something about friends and cliffs once…I'm hoping that they don't ever decide to jump off one). The two mad biologists achieve parity!
Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 100%
You are a terrorist-loving,…
Everyone seems to be taking this quiz, so I thought, what the heck:
Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 81%
You are a terrorist-loving scoundrel who hates our dear leader and the values he defends. There are few redeeming qualities about you. You most likely celebrated when the…
Damn. You beat me. I only want the terrorists to win 96%.
I bet you thought 9/11 changed everything.
I lost out to Mike, I bet, because I didn't vote for Kerry, which would be kinda hard since I'm not American (nor are you, of course, unless there's a dark secret in your past). But I voted Greens in my last state election - does that count?
I got 98% too; how is it possible to have a functioning brain and conscience and score less than that?
Awwwwh damn. Now people are going to think my 94% makes me some sort of fascist. Other than not voting for Kerry, I can't see where I wont wrong.
100% terrorist lover.
But then - they already won, didn't they?
100%, of course.
Clearly this is the new Purity Test for terrorism-loving hippies.
We don't talk to fascists, John.
"Awwwwh damn. Now people are going to think my 94% makes me some sort of fascist. Other than not voting for Kerry, I can't see where I wont wrong."
Did you answer "poorly" to question #8? Because the real freedom-hater answer to that one is "What does this have to do with terrorism?" Because independent thought is a sure sign of the person who wants to destroy America.
Hah! 91%! Better pack for Gitmo, I'm turning you all in to O'Reilly. Heheheheh!
Gee, this Canuck only scored 91%. I wonder what I answered wrong ;-). Not voting in 2004, obviously. I also said the troops should be sent in as only as a last resort, when the "correct" answer was probably "use less oil" (the two answers are not mutually exclusive). And notwithstanding its use as a propaganda blurb, I think that 9/11 did change...well a whole lot of things (just probably not the same things in the same way as GWB claims).
Just tried it again, with a few answers different (though still, I think, defensible -- certainly nothing frothing-at-the-mouth Coulterish) and only got 83%.
Maldicion, 98%! 100ers... what could I get wrong?? Perhaps the voting stuff; it's time the SC heeds the wise advice of Frank Zappa and gives us non-USians the right to vote.
Here's an idea. Anyone anywhere in the free world ought to be able to elect the leader of the free world. Why limit it just to Americans?
I reckon we'd get more Australians, Canadians Irish and British voting in the US elections than Americans...
I got 96% myself, below you and above Lynch.
But hey, we're all going to Gitmo either way. ;-)
Here's an idea. Anyone anywhere in the free world ought to be able to elect the leader of the free world. Why limit it just to Americans?
I reckon we'd get more Australians, Canadians Irish and British voting in the US elections than Americans...
I actually don't think that this is such a bad idea. If we are going to have executives that reserve the right to preemptively violate the sovereignty of other nation-states, then the citizens of such nation-states should have a say on who takes our executive office. It's certainly be a more just approach than unilateral gangsterism.
Or we could simply adopt a non-interventionist foreign policy based on peace and neutrality, perhaps the rest of the world (especially the free part) would appreciate that as well.
Tyler, that's even more radical than my suggestion. So, if the US invades a nation, they automatically confer the right to elect leaders in the US on every citizen of that nation?
I like it...
"I also said the troops should be sent in as only as a last resort, when the "correct" answer was probably "use less oil" (the two answers are not mutually exclusive)."
That isn't it (unless both answers are scored as right), since I answered that question the same way and I got a 100%. But then again, I have Osama bin Laden, Kim-Jung Il, and Ahmoud Ahmadinejad on my buddy list. We swap falafel recipies and reminisce about our favorite flag-burning experiences.
John - there's a problem with Tyler's suggestion. In order to garner enough support for the GOP, Bush might invade some of the, um, quainter bits of Australia.
John - there's a problem with Tyler's suggestion. In order to garner enough support for the GOP, Bush might invade some of the, um, quainter bits of Australia.
But in my plan, it would apply to entire nation-states rather than individual areas of voting-districts. Bush invades Australia, and he gets the whole country, not just the more conservative areas.
I see no flaws in this, my plan is awesome.
I scored 100%.
Why do I hate America?
Guess I also love the terrorists. I think you have to answer voted for Kerry and send in the troop as a last resort to get 100%. No wishy washy stuff about oil conservation.
"I didn't vote for Kerry, which would be kinda hard since I'm not American (nor are you, of course, unless there's a dark secret in your past)"
Actually, I AM American.