The Truth about the Evil of Evolution

Suppose for a minute that everything the creationists say about evolution were true. Now suppose you had lost your mind... but I repeat myself. What would the history of that ersatz and terrible "science" be?

Wonder no more. Richard Forrest, who claims to be a paleontologist but is clearly a minion of satanic powers, has written the truth history of evilution, in The Truth: Being a TRUE and IMPARTIAL account of the history of that damnable religion, the great EVIL of DARWINISM, also called EVOLUTIONISM and it's attempts to bring the downfall of all moral and TRUE CHRISTIAN ™ virtue. Based on accounts of the events which form this evil history written by the best historians of the evil devices of DARWINISM and EVOLUTIONISM, and based on the best scientific principle of SUBJECTIVITY, and rejecting utterly the ATHEIST doctrine of OBJECTIVITY which clouds the mind of mankind and leads to the rejection of TRUE CHRISTIANITY ™. Written by a TRUE BELIEVER..

It's a bodice ripping story of how the British Mind was corrupted by an evil conspiracy in eight chapters, so far. You must read it, if only for the sake of your soul!

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Just A Bleeping Moment, here! Chapter 2 has Lyell a Scotsman, but not a Lutheran. Scottish Lutherans?!?!?!?!?

Presbyterians, maybe, but not Lutherans.

James 2:24

As they say "truth will out!"


I DO think our author could have pointed out Agassiz' brilliant efforts in the US, spreading the Darwinian "gospel" into the southern states. He was so effective that, to this day, they are called the Darwin Belt.

But then there is only so much time one has.

James 2:24

How about the truth about the evils of heliocentrism, next?