Are You an Evil Genius?

So one of my blog siblings and fellow evil genius, Janet, poses a simple question; what are you going to do with your idiocy/genius? She then proposed this test as a means of quantifying this. Considering that I am unemployable, and therefore, doing nothing worthwhile whatsoever with my energy, rumored brain space or heck, with my life (well, except entertaining you, dear readers!), I decided to give her proposed test a go.

I am 59% Evil Genius.
Deceitful & Crazy!

Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.

I am disappointed in myself. I had suspected I was more evil than that, which would explain why I am unemployed! So, after my disappointing showing, I went back and changed my answers a little bit (doing that should certainly make me more eviler, muahahaha!) and now my new score is ...

I am 90% Evil Genius.
Evil to the Bone!

I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will.

... and all I managed was a measely 90% score! I was TRYING to get 100% evil genius, too. I am just like the democratic party, I need to get in touch with my inner bitch; doing so would probably solve all of my problems (and I had thought I was a bitch already, at least, that's what everyone tells me).

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I'm a goody-two-shoes 31%er. I maintain it's not because I'm not evil, but because like everything else about me, my evil is unconventional.

And for the record, you're as far away from a bitch as a blogger can be.

If it is any consolation, I'm rather uncertain on the evil genius plans myself. For some reason, explaining chaos just doesn't seem to work.

As for the test, I scored 81% the first time around and got the same "Evil to the Bone" image... I had a surprised moment when it asked if my "henchmen" were ninjas, and realized I could answer "yes."

My question: when you did it the second time around, could you bring yourself to select "yes" for kicking an injured animal?

I think I'll pass this test along; it's my favorite of your quizzes so far. :)