Reed Elsevier accepts criticism, drops arms support

Well blow me down and call me a dishmop. Reed Elsevier, who I recently criticised for running arms exhibitions while publishing medical and other intellectual journals, and who were boycotted by medical authors, has folded. They are, according to this story, getting out of the arms exhibition business. And so they should.

I'd like to think my threat of philosophers boycotting Elsevier journals played a role, but then I'd also like to think that I was living in luxury in French Polynesia...

Late note: Hat tip to Grllscientist.

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So, do your eyes glow periodically now and do you suddenly find you are speaking with a bass-enhanced voice and harbouring ambitions of ruling the galaxy?

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 03 Jun 2007 #permalink

I have to confess, I wasn't doing much to help the boycott. But, if you go into mathematical physics, avoiding Elsevier is like avoiding Nitrogen.

I did feel guilty every time I used them, though.

you are very kind to me. a reader of mine tipped me off to this news -- it would have taken me at least 2 days to find it on my own!