Stay tuned after the break as we will be showing the following specials, rated R for Reason. Suitable for 15 years and over...
I worked for ten years at The Walter and Eliza Institute of Medical Research (WEHI for short). This was the institution at which Macfarlane Burnet was director. I will be writing a piece on Mac's Clonal Selection Theory of immunology, and if my former employers and employees come through, I aim to have images of Mac's actual lab book where he came up with the idea, on the 50th anniversary of the publication of it.
The youthful and handsome Jason Grossman has roped me in to do a dadaist seminar on Feyerabend. Jason and I are the intellectual progeny of Neil Thomason, who was one of PKF's students, so we are his intellectual grandsons, and therefore cousins (I'm the one that never gets invited to the family reunions). I may recount the experience of Jason's experiment and my humiliation. Or not, if the humiliation is too great (but our grandpapa would have revelled in it).
I have a bunch of speciation-related papers to comment on.
I'm preparing an introduction to the evolution of religion. You'll read bits here first (as in, first draft).
I'd like to thank all the kind words from various people about my academic difficulties, including and in particular Stefan Linquist and Craig Miller who in the nicest possible way told me to suck it up and be a mensch. I will repay...
But as I'm still teaching a subject I am barely able to comprehend, bear with me; it may take a small while. And I haven't forgotten the other to-dos either.
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Suitable for 15 year olds? Hah!
Now that would be worth swimming to OZ for!
Have you read Gus Nossal's book about WEHI? I reviewed it over here:
Gus gave me a copy, because the ms and graphics were prepared by my department. As I taught him to use PowerPoint, I made him promise to teach me to joust, him being a knight of the realm, but he never did...
Dr Grace, CEO of ActoKine Therapeutics did a PhD with Sir Gus Nossal at WEHI and she bought 30 books (about WEHI written by Sir Gus Nossal). Dr Grace will be happy to send this book to students of all ages in immunology.
Please e-mail
from Alex Pauling (for Dr. Grace, ActoKine)