Achieving enplightenment - Amusing typogarphical errors 3

The estimable and overproductive Neil Levy* at CAPPE at my alma mater, has sent me Terry Pratchett's and Stephen Brigg's book/diary Lu-Tse's Yearbook of Enlightenment 2008, with a note "To help you chart your course into unemployment". For which I give much thanks, as it also contains many analects of the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite. Of course, I read the title as "Lu-Tse's Yearbook of Enplightenment", which no doubt says much more about my mental state right now than the universe (assuming there's a difference). For which, Neil, many thanks. I have achieved wisdom.

* Yes, I know, it's being done. Really. I'm very busy on it.**

** For those who are not one with Neil, "it" is an introduction to and list of papers for a volume on The Evolution of Religion, that I am supposed to be coediting with Neil.†

† And Intelligent Design, but that will be a much less interesting section.††

†† Cascading footnotes are a Pratchett tradition.

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It says enlightenment ? If I had known that I never would have sent it.