Happy Darwin Day anyway


Image by Colin Purrington

More like this

This beautiful painting is located in Martin Hall at Swarthmore College. Discovered via Colin Purrington's flickr feed.
Colin Purrington has a nice set of publicly available images for use in pro-science talks. Go check 'em out.
If any of my readers are good knitters, check this out: The pattern, not the girl. Preverts! Hat tip: Colin Purrington
I'd like to thank Megan for mentioning Colin Purrington's excellent essay on what you can do to improve the presentation of evolution in museums. It's positive, it's simple, it's stuff you can do on your very next museum visit.

He looks so good in pink ...

By Sophie Hirschfeld (not verified) on 11 Feb 2008 #permalink

Darwin Day, cool!
John, your blurb says you're looking for a position. Richard Dawkins is stepping down from the Charles Simonyi chair in Oxford. Maybe you should send a CV and apply.....

By Brian English (not verified) on 11 Feb 2008 #permalink

From Language Log:

"Today is the 199th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, and Charles Darwin, who freed the mind."