We may never fully understand it

... why M. Night Shamaylanananan gets to make more movies. OK, Sixth Sense was cool, but really...

So read this summary script of The Hapeninening and save your ticket money.

Hat tip to Louanne Miller.


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Sshhh! You'll make Expelled sound like an attractive proposition.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 16 Jun 2008 #permalink

"Sixth Sense" was good. I had to watch it a second time, to see how I missed all the clues revealed by the ending. Saw "Signs" on TV, but it was stupid. Wasn't going to the the new movie and now I don't even have to see it on the tube some day (okay, wasn't going to do that anyway).

Did like the new Indiana Jones.

By Susan Silberstein (not verified) on 16 Jun 2008 #permalink