Dr Horrible

I miss Buffy. I miss Mal Reynolds. I really miss Kaylee. Most of all I miss Joss Whedon's sparkling entertainment. So go watch Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog, now!


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You are all aware of Joss Whedon's new mini-epic, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, I'm sure. If not, get over there now…it's only freely available until Sunday night. All I can say is that it is about time someone made a sympathetic, musical tribute to supervillains. Now I'm wondering, though…the…
People have been sending me links to "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog". I was like "wtf? Sounds stupid." Go. Watch. It. NOW! Seriously! Theyre taking it down Sunday night!
1) I see that as a SF fan with a blog, I am contractually obligated to say something about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Enh. It's well-done, but I'm not that much of a Whedon fanboy, and the hapless villain conceit isn't enough to get past the fact that I don't really like musicals. 2) The…
I did this last year and the year before and it seemed like an interesting and maybe even useful thing to continue this year. Trends in my reading this year? An increase in books on social media and a bit down in terms of science and fantastic fiction. A lot of that has to do with working on the…

Joss is pretty good, but let's not forget that he wrote Alien: Resurrection...

Who knows, maybe Firefly will get a second chance when this interweb entertainment revolution takes off. Hell, I heard there is a push to revive Farscape that way, and that show had definitely reached the end of its shelf life.

At the very least, Whedon should pitch "The Life and Opinions of Jayne Cobb, Gentleman" as a spin-off.

The website says the episodes are free but i keep getting re-directed to iTunes where you have to pay. Anyone else having this problem?

When I sent the link to my brother on Wednesday, I did say the Joss Whedon is God.

Cameron, I did not have that problem. Did you click on the iTunes box?

By Susan Silberstein (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

Heh - I'll be working at Dragon*Con this year. Guess which cast will be doing a 'live' version of the show, around midnight on one of the nights? :D