Fish can walk!

A Floridan neighborhood was surprised yesterday when after heavy rain, catfish started walking around their street. Of course, the fish were quick to point out that this doesn't prove evolution is possible, as they all went to the local Baptist church...

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This story mainly points out how ignorant people are of the wildlife that lives in their vicinity. Walking catfish are very old news in Hillsborough County, a little more than an hour away from Orlando, where the invasive species has been present for many years. When I lived in Tampa, it was commonplace to see dozens of them slithering about during rainstorms. Here's a close-up photo of one I shot in my driveway on June 29, 2002, for instance.

I thought most Floridians had heard of Hillsborough's walking catfish. That they've managed to expand their range by about 80 miles shouldn't be that big a surprise!

Right. It is astounding how people can live among a particular species and not even know it exists. Chances are the guy with the cooler knew about these fish and harvests them every couple of years when the phenomenon occurs at a time he is available.

These are clarius, I assume, from Africa.

However, fish with such improbable abilities have been used in a rather nifty proof for the non-existence of god (particularly with talents in communication, as these appear to have in order to have indicated their denomination).

You think they're scary now, just wait until they start developing opposable thumbs!

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 27 Jul 2008 #permalink

haha, I read the title as "Fish can talk"! I thought: finally! Maybe it is God, sending me "time to see an eye doctor" message.

Yet, the respond of the church is what draws my curiosity. "It might be a good time for rain prayer" :)