Never piss off the sysadmin

Users, or Lusers as they are known, learn early not to piss off the sysadmin, who is God. Federal minister Stephen Conroy's ham-fisted attempt to gag critics of his stupid paternalistic and ultimately failure-ridden net filter scheme has managed to piss off the whole lot of them. This could be fun. Anyone got the popcorn? I have the beer...

This, by the way, puts Australia in the company of such civil liberties havens as China, North Korea, and Burma. Yay us.

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Lovely. I know some people from SAGE-AU and I hope they put up a hell of a fight. In addition to keeping everything running, sysadmins have a professional and ethical responsibility to ensure that technology is used in a responsible manner. That a member of a government would try to stifle a knowledgable professional from commenting on proposed policy implies that the policy is all about paternalistic authoritarian censorship and government overreach rather than serving Australia's internet users.

I give SAGE-AU credit for being able to get its name and views publicized and for taking a principled stance against what appears to be another bluenosed censor that can bear neither scrutiny nor criticism.

Hmm. "Mark Newton" is this admin's name. That's an anagram of "Network Man". I wonder if this Mr Newton actually exists, or is a made up fiction by a group of admins who wish to vent complaints about being pressured to implement the filter, but not be named publicly?

Yes, anagram or not, I actually exist.

The nature of my name was discovered back in the early '90s when a FidoNet guy called Andrew Clayton ran my name through an anagram generator that had won one of the International Obfuscated C Code Contests.

I nearly fell off my chair laughing.

By Mark Newton (not verified) on 27 Oct 2008 #permalink

Do you think we'd be arguing about internet censorship if I was? :-)

By Mark Newton (not verified) on 27 Oct 2008 #permalink